openapi: 3.0.3 info: title: 'Smarter Launch' description: 'API documentation for developers' version: 1.0.0 servers: - url: '' paths: /api/v1/app-data: get: summary: 'Application Settings.' description: 'Show the list of application data: [roles, company_locations, statuses, countries[states], client_version]' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'App Data' '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/automations': get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of Automations with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Automation post: summary: Create description: 'Store a newly created Automation.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Automation requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the automation.' example: 'Small Pests' description: type: string description: 'The description of the automation.' example: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit' type: type: string description: 'The type of the automation.' example: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit' actions: type: array description: "of object required The actions of automation.\n Example : [{action: \"SEND_EMAIL\",\n value: [\"\", \"\"],\n settings: {body: \"Please follow-up with this and set an appointment.\"}}]" example: - et items: type: string filters: type: array description: "of object required The filters of automation.\n Example : [{type: \"CUSTOMER\",operator: \"IS\",value: \"3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f\",},\n {type: \"USER\",operator: \"IS_ONE_OF\",value: [\"3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f\",\n \"3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7h\"]}]" example: - adipisci items: type: string triggers: type: array description: "of object required The triggers of automation.\n Example : [{type: \"CUSTOMER\",operator: \"IS_CHANGED_TO\",value: \"3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f\"}]" example: - quibusdam items: type: string required: - name - type parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 3 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 14 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: ea - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: possimus - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: dolorem '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/automations/{automation_uuid}': get: summary: Get description: 'Display the specified Automation.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Automation put: summary: Update description: 'Modify the specified Automation.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Automation requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the automation.' example: 'Small Pests' description: type: string description: 'The description of the automation.' example: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit' type: type: string description: 'The type of the automation.' example: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit' actions: type: array description: "of object required The actions of automation.\n Example : [{action: \"SEND_EMAIL\",value: [\"\", \"\"],\n settings: {body: \"Please follow-up with this and set an appointment.\"}}]" example: - debitis items: type: string filters: type: array description: "of object required The filters of automation.\n Example : [{type: \"CUSTOMER\",operator: \"IS\",\n value: \"3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f\",},\n {type: \"USER\",operator: \"IS_ONE_OF\",\n value: [\"3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f\", \"3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7h\"]}]" example: - optio items: type: string triggers: type: array description: "of object required The triggers of automation.\n Example : [{type: \"CUSTOMER\",operator: \"IS_CHANGED_TO\",value: \"3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f\"}]" example: - qui items: type: string required: - name - type patch: summary: Patch description: 'Perform patches for the specified Automation.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Automation requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the automation.' example: 'Small Pests' description: type: string description: 'The description of the automation.' example: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit' type: type: string description: 'The type of the automation.' example: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit' actions: type: array description: "of object The actions of automation.\n Example : [{action: \"SEND_EMAIL\",\n value: [\"\", \"\"],\n settings: {body: \"Please follow-up with this and set an appointment.\"}}]" example: - nesciunt items: type: string filters: type: array description: "of object The filters of automation.\n Example : [{type: \"CUSTOMER\",operator: \"IS\",\n value: \"3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f\",},\n {type: \"USER\",operator: \"IS_ONE_OF\",\n value: [\"3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f\", \"3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7h\"]}]" example: - id items: type: string triggers: type: array description: "of object The triggers of automation.\n Example : [{type: \"CUSTOMER\",operator: \"IS_CHANGED_TO\",value: \"3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f\"}]" example: - doloribus items: type: string delete: summary: Delete description: 'Remove the specified Automation.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Automation parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: automation_uuid description: '' example: 3 required: true schema: type: integer /api/v1/categories: get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of Categories with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Category post: summary: Create description: 'Store a newly created Category.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Category requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the category.' example: 'Small Pests' description: type: string description: 'The description of the category.' example: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit' category_group: type: string description: "The category_group of the category. ['SERVICE_PLAN']." example: SERVICE_PLAN required: - name - category_group parameters: - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 11 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 2 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: mollitia - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: quia - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: enim - in: path name: category_group description: 'Optional parameter. The category group to filter by. Example : SERVICE_PLAN' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: culpa '/api/v1/categories/{category_uuid}': get: summary: Get description: 'Display the specified Category.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Category put: summary: Update description: 'Modify the specified Category.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Category requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the category.' example: 'Small Pests' description: type: string description: 'The description of the category.' example: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit' category_group: type: string description: 'Must be one of SERVICE_PLAN or DRAWING_SYMBOL.' example: DRAWING_SYMBOL required: - name patch: summary: Patch description: 'Perform patches for the specified Category.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Category requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the category.' example: 'Small Pests' description: type: string description: 'The description of the category.' example: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit' category_group: type: string description: 'Must be one of SERVICE_PLAN or DRAWING_SYMBOL.' example: SERVICE_PLAN delete: summary: Delete description: 'Remove the specified Category.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Category parameters: - in: path name: category_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}': get: summary: 'List / Fetch.' description: 'Shows the list of company or fetch single record using uuid.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Company put: summary: 'Update Company' description: 'This endpoint lets user to update a company.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Company requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the company.' example: 'Smarter Launch' phone: type: string description: 'The last name of the company.' example: '5554448888' email: type: string description: 'The email of the company.' example: address1: type: string description: 'The address of the company.' example: "'123 Smarter Launch Way'" address2: type: string description: 'optional The address of the company.' example: "'Suite 101'" city: type: string description: 'The company city name.' example: 'Queen Creek' country_state_uuid: type: string description: 'The company state uuid.' example: ecd24580-2749-11ec-9b86-1102c06e74b4 country_uuid: type: string description: 'The company country uuid.' example: ecd24580-2749-11ec-9b86-1102c06e74b4 postal_code: type: string description: 'optional The postal code of the company.' example: '85410' latitude: type: string description: 'optional The latitude of the company.' example: '23.0396' longitude: type: string description: 'optional The longitude of the company.' example: '72.566' primary_color: type: string description: 'optional The primary color.' example: '#009CFF' secondary_color: type: string description: 'optional The secondary color.' example: '#FFFFFF' custom_settings: type: array description: '' example: - sit items: type: string settings: type: object description: '' example: [] properties: available_integration_uuids: type: array description: '' example: - porro items: type: string image_url: type: string description: '' example: amet company_uuid: type: string description: 'optional The uuid of the company.' example: ecd24580-2749-11ec-9b86-1102c06e74b4 description: type: string description: 'optional The company description.' example: 'We are helping take your business to the next level. Hop in!' required: - name - phone - email - address1 - city - country_state_uuid - country_uuid patch: summary: 'Patch Company' description: 'This endpoint lets user to update a company.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Company requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'optional The name of the company.' example: 'Smarter Launch' phone: type: string description: 'optional The last name of the company.' example: '5554448888' email: type: string description: 'optional The email of the company.' example: address1: type: string description: 'optional The address of the company.' example: "'123 Smarter Launch Way'" address2: type: string description: 'optional The address of the company.' example: "'Suite 101'" city: type: string description: 'optional The company city name.' example: 'Queen Creek' country_state_uuid: type: string description: 'optional The company state uuid.' example: ecd24580-2749-11ec-9b86-1102c06e74b4 country_uuid: type: string description: 'optional The company country uuid.' example: ecd24580-2749-11ec-9b86-1102c06e74b4 postal_code: type: string description: 'optional The postal code of the company.' example: '85410' latitude: type: string description: 'optional The latitude of the company.' example: '23.0396' longitude: type: string description: 'optional The longitude of the company.' example: '72.566' primary_color: type: string description: 'optional The primary color.' example: '#009CFF' secondary_color: type: string description: 'optional The secondary color.' example: '#FFFFFF' custom_settings: type: array description: '' example: - velit items: type: string settings: type: object description: '' example: [] properties: available_integration_uuids: type: array description: '' example: - aut items: type: string website_url: type: string description: 'Must be a valid URL.' example: '' google_my_business_listing: type: string description: 'Must be a valid URL.' example: '' image_url: type: string description: '' example: consectetur company_uuid: type: string description: 'optional The uuid of the company.' example: ecd24580-2749-11ec-9b86-1102c06e74b4 description: type: string description: 'optional The company description.' example: 'We are helping take your business to the next level. Hop in!' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: uuid description: 'Optional parameter. optional The company uuid.' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/image': post: summary: 'Store company logo.' description: 'This endpoint lets company to upload or update their logo.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: multipart/form-data schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Company requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: image_url: type: string format: binary description: 'The image file.' required: - image_url parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: uuid description: 'The company uuid.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f required: true schema: type: string /api/v1/companies/logo: delete: summary: 'Remove company logo.' description: 'Only self can remove his logo.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Company '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/settings-json': get: summary: 'Get settings JSON file URL' description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Company requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: settings_name: type: string description: 'The setting name' example: et required: - settings_name parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: uuid description: 'The company uuid.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f required: true schema: type: string '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/upload-base64': post: summary: "POST\nUpload Base64 files to S3" description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Company requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: items: type: array description: 'The array of {base64String, uuid} object.' example: - consequatur items: type: string deleteItems: type: array description: 'The array of uuid object.' example: - non items: type: string required: - items - deleteItems parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/update-limit/{entity}': patch: summary: '' description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Company parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: entity description: '' example: ea required: true schema: type: string '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/custom-field-groups': get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of company custom field groups with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Field Group' post: summary: Store description: 'Store a newly created company custom field group.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Field Group' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the custom field group. Example : Additional Details' example: perspiciatis assignment: type: enum description: 'CUSTOMER|CUSTOMER_ADDRESS|MY_ACCOUNT|COMPANY|COMPANY_LOCATION required The assignment of the custom field group. Example : CUSTOMER' example: dolores company_custom_fields: type: array description: "of object required The company_custom_fields of the custom field group. Example : [{label: 'Address 3', input_type: 'TEXT}]" example: - dolores items: type: string required: - name parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 10 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 15 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: autem - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: voluptatem - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: facere - in: path name: with_trashed description: 'Optional parameter. boolean To display soft deleted data as well. Example : true' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: est - in: path name: assignment description: 'Optional parameter. To filter data by assignment. Example : CUSTOMER_ADDRESS' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: accusantium '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/custom-field-groups/{companyCustomFieldGroup_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single company custom field group.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Field Group' put: summary: Update description: 'Update a company custom field group.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Field Group' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the custom field group. Example : Additional Details' example: nulla assignment: type: enum description: 'CUSTOMER|CUSTOMER_ADDRESS|MY_ACCOUNT|COMPANY|COMPANY_LOCATION required The assignment of the custom field group. Example : CUSTOMER' example: sint company_custom_fields: type: array description: "of object required The company_custom_fields of the custom field group. Example : [{label: 'Address 3', input_type: 'TEXT}]" example: - sit items: type: string deleted_custom_field_uuids: type: array description: 'of uuid required The deleted_custom_field_uuids of the custom field group. Example : ["3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f", "3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f"]' example: - repellendus items: type: string required: - name patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch a company custom field group.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Field Group' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the custom field group. Example : Additional Details' example: alias assignment: type: enum description: 'CUSTOMER|CUSTOMER_ADDRESS|MY_ACCOUNT|COMPANY|COMPANY_LOCATION required The assignment of the custom field group. Example : CUSTOMER' example: aut company_custom_fields: type: array description: "of object required The company_custom_fields of the custom field group. Example : [{label: 'Address 3', input_type: 'TEXT}]" example: - adipisci items: type: string deleted_custom_field_uuids: type: array description: 'of uuid required The deleted_custom_field_uuids of the custom field group. Example : ["3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f", "3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f"]' example: - sed items: type: string required: - name delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a company custom field group.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Field Group' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: companyCustomFieldGroup_uuid description: '' example: ducimus required: true schema: type: string '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/files': post: summary: Store description: 'Upload a file into a company' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: multipart/form-data schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company File' requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the file. Example : MyFile.txt' example: vel description: type: string description: 'The description of the file. Example : This is a sample description for uploaded file' example: veritatis directory: type: string description: 'The directory where the file will be located.' example: proposal-template type: type: string description: 'The type of the file (in: image, document).' example: document fileUpload: type: string format: binary description: 'The file to be uploaded.' required: - directory - type - fileUpload delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a file from a company' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company File' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: file_url: type: string description: 'or array The url of the file. Example : MyFile.txt' example: minus parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/integrations/{companyIntegration_uuid}/{action}': get: summary: 'Generic handler for company integration actions' description: "If the method exists within the CompanyIntegrationController, it will be called,\notherwise it will be passed to the integration type if the method exists there.\n\nIf the endpoint is a no-auth endpoint, we will allow it to be executed without\ngoing through the auth middleware. This is useful for endpoints that are called\nby customers that aren't logged in. The endpoint must be explicitly defined to\nbe a no-auth endpoint in the integration type." parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Integration' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: companyIntegration_uuid description: '' example: mollitia required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: action description: '' example: repellat required: true schema: type: string '/api/v1/integration-types/{integrationType_type_code}/{action}': get: summary: 'Generic handler for integration type actions' description: "it will be passed to the integration type if the method exists there.\n\nIf the endpoint is a no-auth endpoint, we will allow it to be executed without\ngoing through the auth middleware. This is useful for endpoints that are called\nby customers that aren't logged in. The endpoint must be explicitly defined to\nbe a no-auth endpoint in the integration type." parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Integration' parameters: - in: path name: integrationType_type_code description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: action description: '' example: est required: true schema: type: string '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/integrations': get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of integrations for a company' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Integration' post: summary: Store description: 'Create a company integration with empty credential values' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Integration' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: integration_type_uuid: type: uuid description: 'The integration type UUID.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f required: - integration_type_uuid parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/integrations/{companyIntegration_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Shows a single item of integrations for a company' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Integration' put: summary: Update description: "This endpoint updates the company integration and triggers the sync process (if applicable)\nif the data is verified and the status is set to active." parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Integration' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: credentials: type: array description: 'The credentials for the company integration' example: - dolore items: type: string status_uuid: type: uuid description: 'The status UUID for company integration' example: et required: - credentials - status_uuid patch: summary: Patch description: "This endpoint patch the company integration and triggers the sync process\nif the data is verified and the status is set to active." parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Integration' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: credentials: type: array description: 'The credentials for the company integration' example: - necessitatibus items: type: string status_uuid: type: uuid description: 'The status uuid for company integration' example: voluptate required: - credentials - status_uuid delete: summary: Delete description: 'This endpoint allows user to delete a Company Integration.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Integration' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: companyIntegration_uuid description: '' example: earum required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: company_integration_uuid description: "Optional parameter. uuid required\n The UUID of the company integration that is to be updated." required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 3245d634-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f /api/v1/integrations: get: summary: 'List Integration Types' description: "Shows the list of integration types available for a company.
\nNote: Only administrators have access to certain integration types." parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Integration' '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/locations': get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of locations with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Location' post: summary: Create description: 'This endpoint lets user to create single record using uuid.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Location' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the location.' example: 'Phoenix Metro Area' description: type: string description: 'optional The description of the location.' example: 'We do amazing things here.' phone: type: string description: 'optional The last name of the location.' example: '5554443333' email: type: string description: 'optional The email of the location.' example: address1: type: string description: 'optional The address of the company.' example: "'123 Smarter Launch Way'" address2: type: string description: 'optional The address of the company.' example: "'Suite 101'" city: type: string description: 'optional The company city name.' example: 'Queen Creek' country_state_uuid: type: string description: 'optional The company state uuid.' example: ecd24580-2749-11ec-9b86-1102c06e74b4 country_uuid: type: string description: 'optional The company country uuid.' example: ecd24580-2749-11ec-9b86-1102c06e74b4 postal_code: type: string description: 'optional The postal code of the company.' example: '85410' latitude: type: string description: 'optional The latitude of the company.' example: '23.0396' longitude: type: string description: 'optional The longitude of the company.' example: '72.566' enable_overrides: type: boolean description: optional. example: true license_number: type: string description: optional. example: lc-123456 required: - name parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 10 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 20 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: iure - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: quos - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: sit - in: path name: has_service_plans description: 'Optional parameter. boolean The locations which has service plans. Example : true' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: est '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/locations/{companyLocation_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Shows the detail of a specific company location.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Location' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: withTemplates: type: boolean description: 'optional Whether return templates attached to company location.' example: true put: summary: Edit description: 'This endpoint lets user to update single record using uuid (using PUT method).' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Location' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the location.' example: 'Phoenix Metro Area' description: type: string description: 'optional The description of the location.' example: 'We do amazing things here.' phone: type: string description: 'optional The last name of the location.' example: '5554443333' email: type: string description: 'optional The email of the location.' example: address1: type: string description: 'optional The address of the company.' example: "'123 Smarter Launch Way'" address2: type: string description: 'optional The address of the company.' example: "'Suite 101'" city: type: string description: 'optional The company city name.' example: 'Queen Creek' country_state_uuid: type: string description: 'optional The company state uuid.' example: ecd24580-2749-11ec-9b86-1102c06e74b4 country_uuid: type: string description: 'optional The company country uuid.' example: ecd24580-2749-11ec-9b86-1102c06e74b4 postal_code: type: string description: 'optional The postal code of the company.' example: '85410' latitude: type: string description: 'optional The latitude of the company.' example: '23.0396' longitude: type: string description: 'optional The longitude of the company.' example: '72.566' enable_overrides: type: boolean description: optional. example: true license_number: type: string description: optional. example: lc-123456 required: - name patch: summary: Update description: 'This endpoint lets user to update single record using uuid.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Location' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the location.' example: 'Phoenix Metro Area' description: type: string description: 'optional The description of the location.' example: 'We do amazing things here.' phone: type: string description: 'optional The last name of the location.' example: '5554443333' email: type: string description: 'optional The email of the location.' example: address1: type: string description: 'optional The address of the company.' example: "'123 Smarter Launch Way'" address2: type: string description: 'optional The address of the company.' example: "'Suite 101'" city: type: string description: 'optional The company city name.' example: 'Queen Creek' country_state_uuid: type: string description: 'optional The company state uuid.' example: ecd24580-2749-11ec-9b86-1102c06e74b4 country_uuid: type: string description: 'optional The company country uuid.' example: ecd24580-2749-11ec-9b86-1102c06e74b4 postal_code: type: string description: 'optional The postal code of the company.' example: '85410' latitude: type: string description: 'optional The latitude of the company.' example: '23.0396' longitude: type: string description: 'optional The longitude of the company.' example: '72.566' enable_overrides: type: boolean description: optional. example: true license_number: type: string description: optional. example: lc-123456 required: - name delete: summary: Delete description: 'This endpoint enables user to delete a company location' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Location' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: companyLocation_uuid description: '' example: dicta required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: companyUUID description: 'The company uuid.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: companyLocationUUID description: 'The company uuid.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f required: true schema: type: string '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/locations/updateAll': put: summary: 'Update All' description: 'This endpoint lets user to update multiple record using uuids.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Location' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: '*': type: object description: '' example: name: 'Phoenix Metro Area' properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the location.' example: 'Phoenix Metro Area' description: type: string description: 'optional The description of the location.' example: 'We do amazing things here.' phone: type: string description: 'optional The last name of the location.' example: '5554443333' email: type: string description: 'optional The email of the location.' example: address1: type: string description: 'optional The address of the company.' example: "'123 Smarter Launch Way'" address2: type: string description: 'optional The address of the company.' example: "'Suite 101'" city: type: string description: 'optional The company city name.' example: 'Queen Creek' country_state_uuid: type: string description: 'optional The company state uuid.' example: ecd24580-2749-11ec-9b86-1102c06e74b4 country_uuid: type: string description: 'optional The company country uuid.' example: ecd24580-2749-11ec-9b86-1102c06e74b4 postal_code: type: string description: 'optional The postal code of the company.' example: '85410' latitude: type: string description: 'optional The latitude of the company.' example: '23.0396' longitude: type: string description: 'optional The longitude of the company.' example: '72.566' enable_overrides: type: boolean description: optional. example: true required: - '*' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: companyUuid description: 'The uuid id of the company.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f required: true schema: type: string '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/locations/{companyLocation_uuid}/integration-data': get: summary: 'Integration Data' description: 'Get data from a 3rd party API' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Location' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: companyLocation_uuid description: '' example: repellat required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: uuid description: 'The uuid of the company location.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: integration_type_uuid description: 'The uuid of the integration type.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: force_look_up description: 'Optional parameter.' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 'true' '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/custom-settings': get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of do with filter or single template page data.' parameters: - in: query name: page description: 'optional The page number.' example: 1 required: false schema: type: integer description: 'optional The page number.' example: 1 - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Location Custom Settings' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: page_size: type: integer description: 'optional The number of records you want per page.' example: 15 sort_by: type: string description: 'optional The column name.' example: title sort_order: type: string description: 'optional The order in which you want your records.' example: asc search: type: string description: 'optional The general search, it will find matching string.' example: John post: summary: Create description: 'Create a company location custom setting' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Location Custom Settings' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of custom setting.' example: Services value: type: string description: 'The value of custom setting.' example: 'Pest control' company_location_uuid: type: string description: 'option The specific company location uuid of the custom setting.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f required: - name - value parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/custom-settings/{companyLocationCustomSetting_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show detail of a company location setting' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Location Custom Settings' put: summary: Update description: 'Update a company location custom setting' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Location Custom Settings' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of custom setting.' example: Services value: type: string description: 'The value of custom setting.' example: 'Pest control' company_location_uuid: type: string description: 'option The specific company location uuid of the custom setting.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f required: - name - value delete: summary: Delete description: 'Deletes a company location custom setting' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Location Custom Settings' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: companyLocationCustomSetting_uuid description: '' example: ut required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: companyUuid description: 'Optional parameter. Uuid of Company.' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f - in: path name: companyLocationCustomSettingUuid description: 'Optional parameter. Uuid of CompanyLocationCustomSetting.' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/products': get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of company products with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Product' post: summary: Store description: 'Store a newly created company product.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Product' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the product. Example : Product 1' example: dignissimos product_attributes: type: object description: 'The attributes of the product.' example: attr: value properties: [] label_image_url: type: string description: 'optional The image url of the product.' example: 'http://smarterlaunch.local/image1.jpg' required: - name - product_attributes parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 14 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 9 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: dolores - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: quia - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: et '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/products/{companyProduct_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single company product.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Product' put: summary: Update description: 'Update a company product.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Product' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the product. Example : Product 1' example: beatae product_attributes: type: object description: 'The attributes of the product.' example: attr: value properties: [] label_image_url: type: string description: 'optional The image url of the product.' example: 'http://smarterlaunch.local/image1.jpg' required: - name - product_attributes patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch a company product.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Product' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'optional The name of the product. Example : Product 1' example: quia product_attributes: type: object description: 'optional The attributes of the product.' example: attr: value properties: [] label_image_url: type: string description: 'optional The image url of the product.' example: 'http://smarterlaunch.local/image1.jpg' delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a product.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Product' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: companyProduct_uuid description: '' example: molestiae required: true schema: type: string '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/symbols': get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of company symbols with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Symbol' post: summary: Store description: 'Store a newly created company symbol.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: multipart/form-data schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Symbol' requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the symbol. Example : Dig' example: dicta source: type: string description: 'The source of the symbol. Example : text' example: dolores description: type: string description: 'optional The description of the symbol. Example : text' example: temporibus icon_url: type: string description: 'optional The image url of the symbol.' example: 'http://smarterlaunch.local/image1.jpg' icon_file: type: string format: binary description: 'optional The file of the symbol image.' company_product_uuids: type: array description: 'of string optional The products of the symbol.' example: - doloremque items: type: string required: - name - source parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 19 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 4 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: maiores - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: porro - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: magnam - in: path name: with_trashed description: 'Optional parameter. boolean To display soft deleted data as well. Example : true' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: ad - in: path name: category_uuids description: 'Optional parameter. string[] To filter symbols by category. Example : [3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f, 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f]' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: est '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/symbols/{companySymbol_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single company symbol.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Symbol' put: summary: Update description: 'Update a company symbol.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: multipart/form-data schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Symbol' requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the symbol. Example : Dig' example: officia source: type: string description: 'The source of the symbol. Example : text' example: quaerat description: type: string description: 'optional The description of the symbol. Example : text' example: ea icon_url: type: string description: 'optional The image url of the symbol.' example: 'http://smarterlaunch.local/image1.jpg' icon_file: type: string format: binary description: 'optional The file of the symbol image.' company_product_uuids: type: array description: 'of string optional The products of the symbol.' example: - nihil items: type: string required: - name - source post: summary: Update description: 'Update a company symbol.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: multipart/form-data schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Symbol' requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the symbol. Example : Dig' example: illo source: type: string description: 'The source of the symbol. Example : text' example: et description: type: string description: 'optional The description of the symbol. Example : text' example: autem icon_url: type: string description: 'optional The image url of the symbol.' example: 'http://smarterlaunch.local/image1.jpg' icon_file: type: string format: binary description: 'optional The file of the symbol image.' company_product_uuids: type: array description: 'of string optional The products of the symbol.' example: - voluptas items: type: string required: - name - source patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch a company symbol.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: multipart/form-data schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Symbol' requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the symbol. Example : Dig' example: accusamus source: type: string description: 'The source of the symbol. Example : text' example: quis description: type: string description: 'optional The description of the symbol. Example : text' example: sunt icon_url: type: string description: 'optional The image url of the symbol.' example: 'http://smarterlaunch.local/image1.jpg' icon_file: type: string format: binary description: 'optional The file of the symbol image.' required: - name - source delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a company symbol.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Symbol' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: companySymbol_uuid description: '' example: amet required: true schema: type: string '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/taxes': get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of taxes with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Tax' patch: summary: 'Patch Index' description: 'Performs specific updates for tax settings' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Tax' post: summary: Store description: 'Store a newly created tax.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Tax' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: country_uuid: type: string description: 'The UUID of a country. Example : "815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5"' example: rerum country_state_uuids: type: array description: 'An array of country state UUID. Example : ["815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5", "815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f2"]' example: - voluptas items: type: string name: type: string description: 'The name of the tax. Example : Pest Route Initial Proposal' example: quam postal_codes: type: array description: 'optional The postal code of the company.' example: 85410 items: type: string cities: type: string description: 'required[] The company city name.' example: 'Queen Creek' rate: type: decimal description: 'The tax rate.' example: '12.0000' is_compound: type: boolean description: 'A flag that indicate if the tax is a compound.' example: true required: - country_uuid - country_state_uuids - name - rate - is_compound parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 4 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 17 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: vitae - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: sed - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string (name, postal_code, cities). Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: id - in: path name: country_uuid description: 'Optional parameter. The UUID of country. Example : "815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5"' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: non - in: path name: country_state_uuids description: 'Optional parameter. string[] The UUID of country state. Example : "815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5"' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 10 - in: path name: is_compound description: 'Optional parameter. boolean To filter by is_compound flag. Example : true' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: sunt '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/taxes/{companyTax_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single tax.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Tax' put: summary: Update description: 'Update a tax.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Tax' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: country_uuid: type: string description: 'The UUID of a country. Example : "815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5"' example: quia country_state_uuids: type: array description: 'The UUID of a country state. Example : "815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5"' example: - veritatis items: type: string name: type: string description: 'The name of the tax. Example : Pest Route Initial Proposal' example: ut postal_codes: type: string description: 'optional The postal code of the company.' example: '85410' cities: type: string description: 'The company city name.' example: 'Queen Creek' rate: type: decimal description: 'The tax rate.' example: '12.0000' is_compound: type: boolean description: 'A flag that indicate if the tax is a compound.' example: true rank: type: integer description: 'The rank/order number of tax in a company.' example: 1 required: - country_uuid - country_state_uuids - name - cities - rate - is_compound patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch a tax.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Tax' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: country_uuid: type: string description: 'optional The UUID of a country. Example : "815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5"' example: ex country_state_uuids: type: array description: 'optional The UUID of a country state. Example : "815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5"' example: - odit items: type: string name: type: string description: 'optional The name of the tax. Example : Pest Route Initial Proposal' example: aut postal_codes: type: string description: 'optional The postal code of the company.' example: '85410' cities: type: string description: 'optional The company city name.' example: 'Queen Creek' rate: type: decimal description: 'optional The tax rate.' example: '12.0000' is_compound: type: boolean description: 'optional A flag that indicate if the tax is a compound.' example: true rank: type: integer description: 'The rank/order number of tax in a company.' example: 1 delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a tax.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Tax' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: companyTax_uuid description: '' example: amet required: true schema: type: string '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/users': get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of company users that the user has access to view.' parameters: - in: query name: page description: 'optional The page number.' example: 1 required: false schema: type: integer description: 'optional The page number.' example: 1 - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Users' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: include_fields: type: array description: '' example: - null items: type: string ignore_cached: type: boolean description: '' example: true should_reset_cache: type: boolean description: 'optional Resets the cache' example: true page_size: type: integer description: 'optional The number of records you want per page.' example: 15 sort_by: type: string description: 'optional The column name.' example: display_name sort_order: type: string description: 'optional The order in which you want your records.' example: asc search: type: string description: 'optional The general search, it will find matching string.' example: John filter_by_status_code: type: string/array description: 'optional Filter results by user status.' example: 'STATUS_ACTIVE / ["STATUS_ACTIVE"."STATUS_DISABLED"]' filter_by_role_code: type: string description: 'optional Filter results by user role.' example: ROLE_COMPANY_MANAGER filter_by_company_location_uuid: type: string description: 'uuid optional Filter results by company location uuid.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f post: summary: 'Send invitation to user.' description: 'This endpoint lets company owner to send invite to its sub-user.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Users' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: first_name: type: string description: 'The first name of the user.' example: John email: type: string description: 'The email of the user.' example: role_uuid: type: string description: 'uuid required The role uuid of the user.' example: 45955590-4152-11ec-9c77-2181a8ee04db company_locations: type: array description: '' example: - facilis items: type: string last_name: type: string description: 'The first name of the user.' example: Smith 'company_locations[]': type: string description: 'uuid of The company location.' example: '["45955590-4152-11ec-9c77-2181a8ee04db"]' required: - first_name - email - company_locations - last_name parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: companyUuid description: 'The company uuid.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f required: true schema: type: string '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/users/{userOrUserInviteUuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Shows detail of a specific company user' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Users' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: userOrUserInviteUuid description: '' example: 3 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/users/{uuid}': post: summary: 'Resend invitation to user.' description: 'This endpoint lets company owner to send invite to its sub-user.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Users' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: uuid description: 'The invited user uuid.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f required: true schema: type: string '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/users/{userInviteUuid}/activate': post: summary: 'Force activate user' description: 'This endpoint lets admin/super admin to activate user.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Users' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: userInviteUuid description: '' example: 3 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: uuid description: 'The invited user uuid.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f required: true schema: type: string '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/users/{userUuid}': put: summary: Update description: 'This endpoint lets the user update company user.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Users' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: first_name: type: string description: 'The first name of the user.' example: John last_name: type: string description: 'The first name of the user.' example: Smith email: type: string description: 'The email of the user.' example: role_uuid: type: string description: 'uuid required The role uuid of the user.' example: 45955590-4152-11ec-9c77-2181a8ee04db company_locations: type: array description: 'array of uuid required The company location.' example: - 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f items: type: object required: - first_name - last_name - email patch: summary: Patch description: 'This endpoint lets the user patch company user.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Users' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: first_name: type: string description: 'The first name of the user.' example: John role_uuid: type: string description: 'uuid required The role uuid of the user.' example: 45955590-4152-11ec-9c77-2181a8ee04db company_locations: type: array description: 'array of uuid required The company location.' example: - 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f items: type: object status_uuid: type: string description: 'Must be a valid UUID.' example: 463292f0-6604-3e6b-a73b-e28017ff56d2 last_name: type: string description: 'The first name of the user.' example: Smith email: type: string description: 'The email of the user.' example: required: - first_name - last_name - email delete: summary: Delete description: 'This endpoint allows owner to delete a user.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Company Users' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: userUuid description: '' example: 3 required: true schema: type: integer /api/v1/countries: get: summary: 'List / Fetch' description: 'Shows the list of country or fetch single record using uuid.' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Country requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: 'optional The country uuid.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f name: type: string description: 'optional The country name.' example: baroda security: [] '/api/v1/countries/{countryUuid}': get: summary: 'List / Fetch' description: 'Shows the list of country or fetch single record using uuid.' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Country requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: 'optional The country uuid.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f name: type: string description: 'optional The country name.' example: baroda security: [] parameters: - in: path name: countryUuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/countries/{countryUuid}/states': get: summary: 'Get country states using country uuid.' description: 'Shows the list of states using country uuid.' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Country security: [] parameters: - in: path name: countryUuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: country_uuid description: 'The country uuid.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f required: true schema: type: string /api/v1/customers: get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of company customers that the user has access to view.' parameters: - in: query name: page description: 'optional The page number.' example: 1 required: false schema: type: integer description: 'optional The page number.' example: 1 - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Customer requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: include_fields: type: array description: '' example: - qui items: type: string page_size: type: integer description: 'optional The number of records you want per page.' example: 15 sort_by: type: string description: 'optional The column name.' example: display_name sort_order: type: string description: 'optional The order in which you want your records.' example: asc search: type: string description: 'optional The general search, it will find matching string.' example: John filter_by_company_location_uuid: type: string description: 'uuid optional Filter results by company location uuid.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f filter_by_statuses_uuid: type: string description: 'uuid optional Filter results by company location uuid.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f is_with_trashed: type: boolean description: 'Whether or not to include trashed customer, addresses and contacts.' example: true post: summary: Store description: 'Create a new customer along with their primary contact and address' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Customer requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: company_location_uuid: type: uuid description: 'The company location UUID.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f account_name: type: string description: 'The account name.' example: 'Smarter Launch LLC' customer_contact: type: array description: 'The customer contacts' example: - dolor items: type: string customer_address: type: array description: 'The contact addresses' example: - molestiae items: type: string required: - company_location_uuid - account_name - customer_contact - customer_address '/api/v1/customers/{customer_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'This endpoint returns detail of a certain customer.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Customer put: summary: Update description: 'Update individual customer account name and the location they are associated with.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Customer requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: company_location_uuid: type: uuid description: 'The UUID of the company location to associate the customer with.' example: 3245d634-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f account_name: type: string description: 'The account name.' example: 'Smarter Launch LLC' referral_source_uuid: type: string description: 'Must be a valid UUID.' example: 7ce3abf1-210a-3b96-b43d-7dced4168f9a include_fields: type: array description: '' example: - rem items: type: string required: - company_location_uuid - account_name patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch individual customer account name and the location they are associated with.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Customer requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: company_location_uuid: type: uuid description: 'The UUID of the company location to associate the customer with.' example: 3245d634-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f account_name: type: string description: 'The account name.' example: 'Smarter Launch LLC' status_uuid: type: string description: 'Must be a valid UUID.' example: c1b152c7-3a16-32b4-bfca-d40fc4f7c4cd referral_source_uuid: type: string description: 'Must be a valid UUID.' example: 6b2747b9-ed22-3b2d-9929-11bdefc1e20c include_fields: type: array description: '' example: - consequatur items: type: string required: - company_location_uuid - account_name delete: summary: Delete description: 'This end point allows user the delete the customer.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Customer requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: 'The uuid of the customer.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f required: - uuid parameters: - in: path name: customer_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/customers/{customer_uuid}/with-contact-address': put: summary: 'Update with contact and address' description: 'This is to update those partial customer data' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Customer requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: company_location_uuid: type: uuid description: 'The company location UUID.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f account_name: type: string description: 'The account name.' example: 'Smarter Launch LLC' customer_contacts: type: array description: '' example: - [] items: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: 'Must be a valid UUID.' example: e0289d7c-4d87-3910-b10e-df1348f61ecf first_name: type: string description: 'Must not be greater than 50 characters.' example: cffegqzriwomicbcv last_name: type: string description: 'Must not be greater than 50 characters.' example: wryumoobhxwwotamsvccojnxtokvw email: type: string description: '' example: null phone: type: string description: 'The value format is invalid.' example: '+6812545081' is_primary: type: boolean description: '' example: false required: - first_name - last_name customer_addresses: type: array description: '' example: - [] items: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: 'Must be a valid UUID.' example: 706be5ab-7920-3e77-9cd9-913970598a06 address1: type: string description: 'Must not be greater than 75 characters.' example: mdestnr address2: type: string description: 'Must not be greater than 75 characters.' example: ongprnzjqhivqrwetnatnmfftlyqrtynzyav city: type: string description: 'Must not be greater than 75 characters.' example: u state_uuid: type: string description: 'Must be a valid UUID.' example: e74c088e-5305-3a76-bc6b-8a6be0510ffb postal_code: type: string description: 'The value format is invalid.' example: ^88813$ country_uuid: type: string description: 'Must be a valid UUID.' example: c748dded-5073-3d98-b139-202aab55e8b5 county: type: string description: 'Must not be greater than 75 characters.' example: xksrcnlftyknmpzkefsdetmpuijfcxdrb is_primary: type: boolean description: '' example: true required: - address1 - city - state_uuid - postal_code - country_uuid referral_source_uuid: type: string description: 'Must be a valid UUID.' example: 2509fa20-bcaa-36cd-bd62-374ff3c22d5f customer_contact: type: array description: 'The customer contacts' example: - nam items: type: string customer_address: type: array description: 'The contact addresses' example: - ratione items: type: string required: - company_location_uuid - account_name - customer_contact - customer_address parameters: - in: path name: customer_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/customers/{customer_uuid}/sync': patch: summary: Sync description: 'This endpoint allows user to perform manual sync to a customer' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Customer parameters: - in: path name: customer_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/customers/{customer_uuid}/customer-addresses': put: summary: Update description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Customer Address' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: 'addresses[]': type: array description: 'of addresses.' example: - repellendus items: type: string 'delete_addresses[]': type: array description: 'of addresses.uuid to be deleted.' example: - magnam items: type: string parameters: - in: path name: customer_uuid description: 'Optional parameter. uuid required The UUID of the customer that is to be updated.' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 3245d634-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f '/api/v1/customers/{customer_uuid}/customer-addresses/{customerAddress_uuid}': patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch Customer Address' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Customer Address' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: address1: type: string description: 'optional The address 1. Example : Address 1' example: est address2: type: string description: 'optional The address 2. Example : Address 2' example: autem city: type: string description: 'optional The city. Example : Queen Creek' example: dignissimos country_state_uuid: type: string description: 'optional The state uuid. Example : 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f' example: sapiente country_uuid: type: string description: 'optional The country uuid. Example : 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f' example: et postal_code: type: string description: 'optional The postal code. Example : 12345' example: dolores latitude: type: string description: 'optional The latitude. Example : 33.2486' example: rerum longitude: type: string description: 'optional The longitude. Example : 111.6377' example: fugit is_primary: type: string description: 'optional The is_primary. Example : true' example: assumenda settings: type: string description: 'optional The settings. Example : {}' example: rerum county: type: string description: 'optional The county. Example : Pinal County' example: sit parameters: - in: path name: customer_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: customerAddress_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/customers/{customer_uuid}/customer-addresses/{customerAddress_uuid}/integration-data': get: summary: 'Integration Data' description: 'Get data from a 3rd party API' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Customer Address' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: 'addresses[]': type: array description: 'of addresses.' example: - dolores items: type: string 'delete_addresses[]': type: array description: 'of addresses.uuid to be deleted.' example: - numquam items: type: string parameters: - in: path name: customer_uuid description: 'Optional parameter. uuid required The UUID of the customer that is to be updated.' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 3245d634-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f - in: path name: customerAddress_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/customers/{customer_uuid}/customer-contacts': put: summary: Update description: 'Update customer contacts' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Customer Contacts' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: 'contacts[]': type: array description: 'of contacts.' example: - nam items: type: string 'delete_contacts[]': type: array description: 'of contacts.uuid to be deleted.' example: - et items: type: string parameters: - in: path name: customer_uuid description: 'Optional parameter. uuid required The UUID of the customer that is to be updated.' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 3245d634-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/decline-reasons': get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of decline reasons with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Decline Reason' post: summary: Store description: 'Store a newly created decline reasons.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Decline Reason' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: title: type: string description: 'The title of the decline reasons. Example : So Expensive' example: consequatur description: type: object description: 'The description of the decline reasons.' example: 'Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.' properties: [] required: - title parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 2 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 13 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: eos - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: accusamus - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: facere '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/decline-reasons/{declineReason_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single decline reason.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Decline Reason' put: summary: Update description: 'Update a decline reason.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Decline Reason' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: title: type: string description: 'The title of the decline reasons. Example : "So Expensive"' example: ut description: type: object description: 'The description of the decline reasons.' example: 'Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.' properties: [] required: - title patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch a company decline reason.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Decline Reason' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: title: type: string description: 'The title of the decline reasons. Example : So Expensive' example: aut description: type: object description: 'The description of the decline reasons.' example: 'Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.' properties: [] required: - title delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a decline reason.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Decline Reason' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: declineReason_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/description-sets': get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of description set with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Description Set' post: summary: Store description: 'Store a newly created description set.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Description Set' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the description set. Example : "Termite"' example: quis options: type: array description: 'The options of the description set. Example : [{"title":"Termite","description":["description 1","description 2"]}]' example: - optio items: type: string required: - name - options parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 4 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 9 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: consectetur - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: dolorum - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: soluta - in: path name: exclude description: "Optional parameter. array An array of UUID to exclude from the results. Example : ['3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f']" required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: blanditiis '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/description-sets/{descriptionSet_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single description set.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Description Set' put: summary: Update description: 'Update a description set.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Description Set' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the description set. Example : "Termite"' example: quia options: type: array description: 'The options of the description set. Example : [{"title":"Termite","description":["description 1","description 2"]}]' example: - possimus items: type: string required: - name - options patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch a company description set.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Description Set' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the description set. Example : "Termite"' example: aut options: type: array description: 'The options of the description set. Example : [{"title":"Termite","description":["description 1","description 2"]}]' example: - molestiae items: type: string delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a description set.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Description Set' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: descriptionSet_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/forms': get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of form with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Form post: summary: Store description: 'Store a newly created form.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Form requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the form. Example : "My form"' example: magni assignment: type: string description: 'The terms of the form ("QUALITY_ASSURANCE", "SERVICE_PLANS", "PROPOSAL_TEMPLATES"). Example : "QUALITY_ASSURANCE"' example: ea form_fields: type: array description: 'The list of form field data.' example: - commodi items: type: string required: - name - assignment parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 8 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 2 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: fugit - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: adipisci - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : "Quality Assurance"' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: et '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/form-types': get: summary: 'Get form types' description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Form parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/forms/{form_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single form.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Form put: summary: Update description: 'Update a form.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Form requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the form. Example : "My Edited Form"' example: et assignment: type: string description: 'The terms of the form ("QUALITY_ASSURANCE", "SERVICE_PLANS", "PROPOSAL_TEMPLATES"). Example : "QUALITY_ASSURANCE"' example: magni form_fields: type: array description: 'The list of form field data.' example: - eos items: type: string required: - name - assignment post: summary: Update description: 'Update a form.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Form requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the form. Example : "My Edited Form"' example: dolorem assignment: type: string description: 'The terms of the form ("QUALITY_ASSURANCE", "SERVICE_PLANS", "PROPOSAL_TEMPLATES"). Example : "QUALITY_ASSURANCE"' example: est form_fields: type: array description: 'The list of form field data.' example: - accusamus items: type: string required: - name - assignment patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch a company form.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Form requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the form. Example : "My Patched Form"' example: dolore assignment: type: string description: 'The terms of the form ("QUALITY_ASSURANCE", "SERVICE_PLANS", "PROPOSAL_TEMPLATES"). Example : "QUALITY_ASSURANCE"' example: quia form_fields: type: array description: 'The list of form field data.' example: - veniam items: type: string delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a form.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Form parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: form_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/forms/{form_uuid}/duplicate': post: summary: Duplicate description: 'Duplicate form' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Form parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: form_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/forms/{form_uuid}/fields': get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of form fields with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Form Field' post: summary: Store description: 'Store a newly created formField.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Form Field' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: label: type: string description: 'The label of the form field. Example : "Are you satisfied with the communication from our technician?"' example: officiis input_type: type: string description: 'The label of the form field. Example : "MULTI_SELECT"' example: rem default_value: type: string description: 'The label of the form field. Example : "[1,2,3,4,5]"' example: officia is_required: type: boolean description: 'The label of the form field. Example : true' example: true is_conditional: type: boolean description: 'The label of the form field. Example : true' example: false has_help_guide: type: boolean description: 'The label of the form field. Example : true' example: true conditional_value: type: text description: 'The label of the form field. Example : {"condition1":"condition"}' example: ea help_guide: type: string description: 'text The label of the form field. Example : "This a help guide for communication from our technicians."' example: dignissimos position: type: integer description: 'The position of the form field. Example : 1' example: 4 required: - label - input_type parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: form_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 1 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 8 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: in - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: eius - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : "Quality Assurance"' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: qui '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/forms/{form_uuid}/fields/{formField_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single form field.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Form Field' put: summary: Update description: 'Update a formfield.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Form Field' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: label: type: string description: 'The label of the form field. Example : "Are you satisfied with the communication from our technician?"' example: eveniet input_type: type: string description: 'The label of the form field. Example : "MULTI_SELECT"' example: aperiam default_value: type: string description: 'The label of the form field. Example : "[1,2,3,4,5]"' example: et is_required: type: boolean description: 'The label of the form field. Example : true' example: false is_conditional: type: boolean description: 'The label of the form field. Example : true' example: false has_help_guide: type: boolean description: 'The label of the form field. Example : true' example: true conditional_value: type: text description: 'The label of the form field. Example : {"condition1":"condition"}' example: sed help_guide: type: string description: 'text The label of the form field. Example : "This a help guide for communication from our technicians."' example: officiis position: type: integer description: 'The position of the form field. Example : 1' example: 5 required: - label - input_type post: summary: Update description: 'Update a formfield.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Form Field' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: label: type: string description: 'The label of the form field. Example : "Are you satisfied with the communication from our technician?"' example: et input_type: type: string description: 'The label of the form field. Example : "MULTI_SELECT"' example: ratione default_value: type: string description: 'The label of the form field. Example : "[1,2,3,4,5]"' example: ad is_required: type: boolean description: 'The label of the form field. Example : true' example: true is_conditional: type: boolean description: 'The label of the form field. Example : true' example: true has_help_guide: type: boolean description: 'The label of the form field. Example : true' example: false conditional_value: type: text description: 'The label of the form field. Example : {"condition1":"condition"}' example: sit help_guide: type: string description: 'text The label of the form field. Example : "This a help guide for communication from our technicians."' example: aut position: type: integer description: 'The position of the form field. Example : 1' example: 3 required: - label - input_type patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch a company form field.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Form Field' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: label: type: string description: 'The label of the form field. Example : "Are you satisfied with the communication from our technician?"' example: qui input_type: type: string description: 'The label of the form field. Example : "MULTI_SELECT"' example: atque default_value: type: string description: 'The label of the form field. Example : "[1,2,3,4,5]"' example: a is_required: type: boolean description: 'The label of the form field. Example : true' example: true is_conditional: type: boolean description: 'The label of the form field. Example : true' example: false has_help_guide: type: boolean description: 'The label of the form field. Example : true' example: false conditional_value: type: text description: 'The label of the form field. Example : {"condition1":"condition"}' example: eius help_guide: type: string description: 'text The label of the form field. Example : "This a help guide for communication from our technicians."' example: corrupti position: type: integer description: 'The position of the form field. Example : 1' example: 11 delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a form field.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Form Field' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: form_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: formField_uuid description: '' example: tenetur required: true schema: type: string /api/v1/heartbeat: post: summary: Lock description: 'Lock a specific item of given the type for editing' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Heartbeat requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: type: type: string description: 'The type of endpoint to be locked.' example: '"Proposal"' uuid: type: string description: 'The uuid of the specific item.' example: '"f26834b1-b086-3c99-adc7-b1660383a3fd"' required: - type - uuid delete: summary: Unlock description: 'Unlock a specific item of given the type for editing' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Heartbeat requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: type: type: string description: 'The type of endpoint to be unlocked.' example: '"Proposal"' uuid: type: string description: 'The uuid of the specific item.' example: '"f26834b1-b086-3c99-adc7-b1660383a3fd"' required: - type - uuid /api/v1: get: summary: Index description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Home '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/import-defaults': post: summary: 'Apply Import Set to Company' description: 'Store a newly created import set.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - ImportSet requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: tags: type: array description: 'The array of tags to be associated in an import set. Example : ["Pest Control", "Arizona"]' example: - dicta items: type: string import_files: type: files description: 'The set of json files containing import settings data.' example: assumenda override: type: boolean description: 'Determine if the import set will replace the current ones with matchinig names. Example : false' example: false admin_only: type: boolean description: 'Determine if the import set is only accessible by admin. Example : true' example: false required: - tags - import_files - override - admin_only parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/import-defaults/upload': post: summary: 'Apply Import Set to Company' description: 'Store a newly created import set.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - ImportSet requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: tags: type: array description: 'The array of tags to be associated in an import set. Example : ["Pest Control", "Arizona"]' example: - vero items: type: string import_files: type: files description: 'The set of json files containing import settings data.' example: sit override: type: boolean description: 'Determine if the import set will replace the current ones with matchinig names. Example : false' example: true admin_only: type: boolean description: 'Determine if the import set is only accessible by admin. Example : true' example: false required: - tags - import_files - override - admin_only parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer /api/v1/import-sets: get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of import set with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - ImportSet requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: type_name: type: string description: '' example: null type_code: type: string description: '' example: null post: summary: Store description: 'Store a newly created import set.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - ImportSet requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: tags: type: array description: 'The array of tags to be associated in an import set. Example : ["Pest Control", "Arizona"]' example: - fugiat items: type: string import_files: type: files description: 'The set of json files containing import settings data.' example: blanditiis override: type: boolean description: 'Determine if the import set will replace the current ones with matchinig names. Example : false' example: false admin_only: type: boolean description: 'Determine if the import set is only accessible by admin. Example : true' example: false required: - tags - import_files - override - admin_only parameters: - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 17 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 18 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: labore - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: similique - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : "Quality Assurance"' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: et - in: path name: type_name description: 'Optional parameter. Filter by import type name : "Categories"' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: autem - in: path name: type_code description: 'Optional parameter. Filter by import type name : "categories"' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: mollitia '/api/v1/import-sets/{importSet_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single import set.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - ImportSet put: summary: Update description: 'Update a import set.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - ImportSet requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: import_files: type: files description: 'The set of json files containing import settings data.' example: voluptas admin_only: type: boolean description: 'Determine if the import set is only accessible by admin. Example : true' example: false is_selected: type: boolean description: 'Determine if the import set will be automatically selected when popping the dialog. Example : true' example: true required: - import_files - admin_only - is_selected patch: summary: 'Update the specified resource in storage.' description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - ImportSet requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: admin_only: type: boolean description: 'Determine if the import set is only accessible by admin. Example : true' example: true is_selected: type: boolean description: 'Determine if the import set will be automatically selected when popping the dialog. Example : true' example: true required: - admin_only - is_selected delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a import set.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - ImportSet parameters: - in: path name: importSet_uuid description: '' example: 23 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/import-sets/{importSet_uuid}/download': get: summary: Download description: 'Download a single import set.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - ImportSet parameters: - in: path name: importSet_uuid description: '' example: 23 required: true schema: type: integer /api/v1/form-import-sets: get: summary: 'List Forms' description: 'Shows the list of import set with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - ImportSet post: summary: 'Apply Import Set to Company' description: 'Store a newly created import set.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - ImportSet requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: tags: type: array description: 'The array of tags to be associated in an import set. Example : ["Pest Control", "Arizona"]' example: - voluptatum items: type: string import_files: type: files description: 'The set of json files containing import settings data.' example: maxime override: type: boolean description: 'Determine if the import set will replace the current ones with matchinig names. Example : false' example: true admin_only: type: boolean description: 'Determine if the import set is only accessible by admin. Example : true' example: true required: - tags - import_files - override - admin_only parameters: - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 8 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 7 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: aut - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: amet - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : "Quality Assurance"' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: omnis /api/v1/import-types: get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of tags with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Import Type' parameters: - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 8 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 15 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: earum - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: distinctio - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : "Categories"' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: ea - in: path name: name description: 'Optional parameter. The name of import type. Example : "Categories"' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: facilis - in: path name: code description: 'Optional parameter. The code of import type. Example : "categories"' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: voluptas /api/v1/media-items: get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of media items with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Media Item' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: types: type: array description: 'Must be one of AUDIO, IMAGE, VIDEO, DOCUMENT, or EMBED.' example: EMBED items: type: string media_tag_names: type: array description: '' example: - ducimus items: type: string company_uuid: type: string description: 'Must be a valid UUID.' example: db893da3-c5f1-3741-a974-c4d429147a24 companies_uuid: type: array description: '' example: - accusamus items: type: string company_location_uuid: type: string description: 'Must be a valid UUID.' example: 719bb4c3-1897-3269-8efa-0f29ef274ab5 company_locations_uuid: type: array description: '' example: - molestiae items: type: string media_source_uuid: type: string description: 'Must be a valid UUID.' example: 67b9eea9-2ba5-308d-894e-1c29863bffa3 include_global_files: type: boolean description: '' example: true post: summary: Store description: 'Upload a media item' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: multipart/form-data schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Media Item' requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the file. Example : MyFile.txt' example: facilis description: type: string description: 'The description of the file. Example : This is a sample description for uploaded file' example: nam directory: type: string description: 'The directory where the file will be located.' example: proposal-template type: type: string description: 'The type of the file (in: image, document).' example: document fileUpload: type: string format: binary description: 'The file to be uploaded.' required: - directory - type - fileUpload parameters: - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 20 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 17 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: sed - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: magni - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: ut '/api/v1/media-items/{mediaItem_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single media item' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Media Item' put: summary: Update description: 'Update a media item.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Media Item' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the media item. Example : "My media item"' example: hic description: type: string description: 'The description of the media item. Example : "Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consequatur dolores iste quae soluta."' example: ut required: - name patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch a media item.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Media Item' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the media item. Example : "My media item"' example: ullam description: type: string description: 'The description of the media item. Example : "Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consequatur dolores iste quae soluta."' example: tempore required: - name delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a media item.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Media Item' parameters: - in: path name: mediaItem_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer /api/v1/media-sources: get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of media source with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Media Source' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: types: type: array description: 'Must be one of AUDIO, IMAGE, VIDEO, DOCUMENT, or EMBED.' example: IMAGE items: type: string post: summary: Store description: 'Upload a media source' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Media Source' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the file. Example : MyFile.txt' example: reprehenderit description: type: string description: 'The description of the file. Example : This is a sample description for uploaded file' example: omnis parameters: - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 15 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 14 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: et - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: non - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: est /api/v1/media-sources/favorites: get: summary: 'Favorite Media Source List' description: 'Get the list of favorite Media Sources' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Media Source' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the media source. Example : "My media source"' example: impedit description: type: string description: 'The description of the media source. Example : "Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consequatur dolores iste quae soluta."' example: autem required: - name '/api/v1/media-sources/{mediaSource_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single media source' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Media Source' put: summary: Update description: 'Update a media source.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Media Source' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the media source. Example : "My media source"' example: eaque description: type: string description: 'The description of the media source. Example : "Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consequatur dolores iste quae soluta."' example: enim required: - name patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch a media source.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Media Source' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the media source. Example : "My media source"' example: quidem description: type: string description: 'The description of the media source. Example : "Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consequatur dolores iste quae soluta."' example: corporis required: - name delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a media source.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Media Source' parameters: - in: path name: mediaSource_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/media-sources/{mediaSource_uuid}/favorites': post: summary: 'Add to Favorite' description: "Add media source to the user company's media source favorites" parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Media Source' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the media source. Example : "My media source"' example: ut description: type: string description: 'The description of the media source. Example : "Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consequatur dolores iste quae soluta."' example: quae required: - name delete: summary: 'Remove Favorite Media Source' description: "Remove media source to the user company's media source favorites" parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Media Source' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the media source. Example : "My media source"' example: veritatis description: type: string description: 'The description of the media source. Example : "Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consequatur dolores iste quae soluta."' example: quos required: - name parameters: - in: path name: mediaSource_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/media-sources/{mediaSource_uuid}/import-csv': post: summary: 'Import CSV' description: 'Accept CSV and populate media item data for a media source/manufacturer' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: multipart/form-data schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Media Source' requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: file: type: string format: binary description: 'The name of the media source. Example : "company.csv"' required: - file parameters: - in: path name: mediaSource_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer /api/v1/media-tags: get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of media tag with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Media Tag' post: summary: Store description: 'Upload a media tag' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Media Tag' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the file. Example : Tag 1' example: soluta parameters: - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 16 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 19 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: magni - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: exercitationem - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: reiciendis '/api/v1/media-tags/{mediaTag_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single media tag' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Media Tag' put: summary: Update description: 'Update a media tag.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Media Tag' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the media tag. Example : "My media tag"' example: maiores required: - name patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch a media tag.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Media Tag' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the media tag. Example : "My media tag"' example: nulla required: - name delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a media tag.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Media Tag' parameters: - in: path name: mediaTag_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer /api/v1/maintenance-check: get: summary: '' description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Other Endpoints' '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/proposals/{proposal_uuid}/proposal-file-upload-presigned-url': post: summary: "POST\nGet S3 Pre-signed Url for Proposal Review" description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Other Endpoints' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: signature_photo: type: object description: 'The signature image file object {"full_path": string, "md5_hash": string, "extension": string}.' example: full_path: /test/signature.png md5_hash: '#hash#' extension: png properties: [] proposal_pdf: type: object description: 'The pdf file object {"full_path": string, "md5_hash": string, "extension": string}.' example: full_path: /test/proposal.pdf md5_hash: '#hash#' extension: pdf properties: [] required: - signature_photo - proposal_pdf parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: proposal_uuid description: '' example: 15 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/proposals/{proposal_uuid}/file-upload-presigned-url': post: summary: "POST\nGet S3 Pre-signed Url" description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Other Endpoints' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: 'items[]': type: $items description: "An array of ['path' => string, 'extension' => string, 'md5_hash' => string, 'is_full_path' => boolean]." example: '[{"path": "/companies/{company-uuid}/", "extension": "jpg"}]' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: proposal_uuid description: '' example: 15 required: true schema: type: integer /api/v1/file-upload-presigned-url: post: summary: "POST\nGet S3 Pre-signed Url" description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Other Endpoints' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: 'items[]': type: $items description: "An array of ['path' => string, 'extension' => string, 'md5_hash' => string, 'is_full_path' => boolean]." example: '[{"path": "/companies/{company-uuid}/", "extension": "jpg"}]' /api/v1/upload-from-url: post: summary: '' description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Other Endpoints' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: url: type: string description: 'Must be a valid URL.' example: '' required: - url /api/v1/webhook-receiving-url: post: summary: '' description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Other Endpoints' /api/v1/webhooks/subscribe-test: post: summary: Test description: 'Save new webhook subscription' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Other Endpoints' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: url: type: string description: 'The url where smarterlaunch submit data when particular events are triggered.' example: "''" event: type: string description: 'To determine what kind of trigger the webhook is for.' example: "customer-create'" type: type: boolean description: 'Check To determine what integration the incoming webhook is for.' example: true required: - url - event - type '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/line-items': get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of line items with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Other Endpoints' post: summary: Store description: 'Store a new line item.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Other Endpoints' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the line item. Example : "Termite Pesticide"' example: unde description: type: string description: 'The description of the line item. Example : "Termite Pesticide"' example: molestiae line_item_values: type: string description: 'The data of the line item. Example : {"price": [100, 100]}' example: molestiae required: - name - description - line_item_values parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 19 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 7 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: vel - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: vitae - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: numquam '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/line-items/{lineItem_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single line item.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Other Endpoints' put: summary: Update description: 'Update a line item.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Other Endpoints' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the line item. Example : "Termite Pesticide"' example: optio description: type: string description: 'The description of the line item. Example : "Termite Pesticide"' example: laborum line_item_values: type: string description: 'The data of the line item. Example : {"price": [100, 100]}' example: ut required: - name - line_item_values patch: summary: Patch description: 'Update a line item.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Other Endpoints' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the line item. Example : "Termite Pesticide"' example: vitae description: type: string description: 'The description of the line item. Example : "Termite Pesticide"' example: ex line_item_values: type: string description: 'The data of the line item. Example : {"price": [100, 100]}' example: quas required: - name - line_item_values delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a line item.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Other Endpoints' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: lineItem_uuid description: '' example: 7 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/teams': get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of teams with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Other Endpoints' post: summary: Store description: 'Store a newly created team.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Other Endpoints' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the team. Example : "Engineering"' example: est required: - name parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 13 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 12 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: aut - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: sunt - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: nemo '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/teams/{team_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single team.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Other Endpoints' put: summary: Update description: 'Update a team.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Other Endpoints' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the team. Example : "Accounting"' example: ut required: - name patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch a company team.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Other Endpoints' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the team. Example : "Accounting"' example: unde delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a team.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Other Endpoints' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: team_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer /api/v1/webhooks/subscribe: get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of webhooks.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Other Endpoints' post: summary: Store description: 'Save new webhook subscription' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Other Endpoints' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: url: type: string description: 'The url where smarterlaunch submit data when particular events are triggered.' example: "''" event: type: string description: 'To determine what kind of trigger the webhook is for.' example: "customer-create'" type: type: boolean description: 'Check To determine what integration the incoming webhook is for.' example: true required: - url - event - type parameters: - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 13 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 1 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: quo - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: aperiam - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: ratione '/api/v1/webhooks/subscribe/{webhook_uuid}': delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a webhook.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Other Endpoints' parameters: - in: path name: webhook_uuid description: '' example: sunt required: true schema: type: string /api/v1/permissions: get: summary: 'List / Fetch' description: 'Shows the list of permission or fetch single record using uuid.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Permission requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: 'optional The uuid of the permission.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f name: type: string description: 'The name of the permission.' example: user-list required: - name post: summary: 'Create / Update permission.' description: 'This endpoint lets user to create/update permission.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Permission requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the permission.' example: user-list uuid: type: string description: 'optional The uuid of the permission.' example: ecd24580-2749-11ec-9b86-1102c06e74b4 required: - name '/api/v1/permissions/{permissionUuid}': get: summary: 'List / Fetch' description: 'Shows the list of permission or fetch single record using uuid.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Permission requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: 'optional The uuid of the permission.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f name: type: string description: 'The name of the permission.' example: user-list required: - name put: summary: 'Create / Update permission.' description: 'This endpoint lets user to create/update permission.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Permission requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the permission.' example: user-list uuid: type: string description: 'optional The uuid of the permission.' example: ecd24580-2749-11ec-9b86-1102c06e74b4 required: - name delete: summary: Delete description: 'This endpoint allows user to delete permission.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Permission parameters: - in: path name: permissionUuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/pests-treated': get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of pest treated with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Pest Treated' post: summary: Store description: 'Store a newly created pest treated.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: multipart/form-data schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Pest Treated' requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the pest treated. Example : Pest Treated 1' example: natus pest_treated_attributes: type: object description: 'The attributes of the pest treated.' example: attr: value properties: [] icon_image_url: type: string description: 'optional The image url of the pest treated.' example: 'http://smarterlaunch.local/image1.jpg' photo_file: type: string format: binary description: 'optional The file of the pest treated image.' pest_treated: type: array description: 'optional An array of the above parameters.' example: - [] items: type: object required: - name - pest_treated_attributes parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 1 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 20 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: veritatis - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: voluptate - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: libero '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/pests-treated/{pestTreated_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single pest treated.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Pest Treated' put: summary: Update description: 'Update a pest treated.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: multipart/form-data schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Pest Treated' requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the pest treated. Example : Pest Treated 1' example: nemo pest_treated_attributes: type: object description: 'The attributes of the pest treated.' example: attr: value properties: [] icon_image_url: type: string description: 'optional The image url of the pest treated.' example: 'http://smarterlaunch.local/image1.jpg' photo_file: type: string format: binary description: 'optional The file of the pest treated image.' required: - name - pest_treated_attributes post: summary: Update description: 'Update a pest treated.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: multipart/form-data schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Pest Treated' requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the pest treated. Example : Pest Treated 1' example: et pest_treated_attributes: type: object description: 'The attributes of the pest treated.' example: attr: value properties: [] icon_image_url: type: string description: 'optional The image url of the pest treated.' example: 'http://smarterlaunch.local/image1.jpg' photo_file: type: string format: binary description: 'optional The file of the pest treated image.' required: - name - pest_treated_attributes patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch a company pest treated.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: multipart/form-data schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Pest Treated' requestBody: required: false content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'optional The name of the pest treated. Example : Pest Treated 1' example: odio pest_treated_attributes: type: object description: 'optional The attributes of the pest treated.' example: attr: value properties: [] icon_image_url: type: string description: 'optional The image url of the pest treated.' example: 'http://smarterlaunch.local/image1.jpg' photo_file: type: string format: binary description: 'optional The file of the pest treated image.' delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a pest treated.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Pest Treated' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: pestTreated_uuid description: '' example: placeat required: true schema: type: string '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/property-locations': get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of property locations with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Property Locations' post: summary: Store description: 'Store a newly created property location.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Property Locations' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the property location. Example : "Living Room"' example: ipsum required: - name parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 12 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 8 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: quae - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: cumque - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: suscipit '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/property-locations/{propertyLocation_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single property location.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Property Locations' put: summary: Update description: 'Update a property location.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Property Locations' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the property location. Example : "Living Room Updated"' example: enim required: - name patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch a company property location.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Property Locations' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the property location. Example : "Living Room Patched"' example: maxime delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a property location.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Property Locations' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: propertyLocation_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/proposals/{proposal_uuid}/preview': get: summary: Get description: 'Display the selected proposal.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: proposal_uuid description: '' example: 15 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/proposals/{proposal_uuid}/get-ip-datetime': get: summary: 'Get client IP Address and Date time prior to accepting the proposal' description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: proposal_uuid description: '' example: 15 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/proposals/{proposal_uuid}/support-request': post: summary: 'Store Proposal Inquiry' description: 'Send inquiry request from users' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: support_type: type: string description: 'The support type.' example: "'General Inquiry'" client_detail: type: array description: '' example: - aliquid items: type: string screenshots_url: type: array description: 'The screenshots URL string.' example: - '' - '' items: type: string description: type: string description: 'The support request details.' example: "'I cannot access documents. Please help.'" no_attachments: type: boolean description: 'Check if request has attachments.' example: false required: - support_type - screenshots_url - description - no_attachments parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: proposal_uuid description: '' example: 15 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/proposals/{proposal_uuid}/{supportRequestUuid}/support-request-upload': post: summary: Upload description: 'Upload photos for Cover Letter or Photo Layout pages' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: screenshot_url: type: string description: 'The url of the attached image.' example: '' required: - screenshot_url parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: proposal_uuid description: '' example: 15 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: supportRequestUuid description: '' example: voluptates required: true schema: type: string '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/proposals/{proposal_uuid}/accept-sign': post: summary: 'Accept and Sign' description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: is_service_agreement_accepted: type: boolean description: '' example: false signature_photo_url: type: string description: 'The image url.' example: deserunt proposal_pdf_url: type: string description: 'The pdf file url.' example: consequatur required: - signature_photo_url - proposal_pdf_url parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: proposal_uuid description: '' example: 15 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/proposals/{proposal_uuid}/replace-signature': post: summary: 'Replicate Signature' description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: signature_photo_url: type: string description: 'The image url.' example: harum proposal_pdf_url: type: string description: 'The pdf file url.' example: quia required: - signature_photo_url - proposal_pdf_url parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: proposal_uuid description: '' example: 15 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/proposals/{proposal_uuid}/update-attachment': post: summary: 'Update Attached Document' description: 'Patch the specified proposal.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: multipart/form-data schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal requestBody: required: false content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: documentFile: type: string format: binary description: 'The updated document file. Example : WDIIR.pdf' documentIndex: type: number description: 'The document index number. Example : 1' example: 3297383.84644 parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: proposal_uuid description: '' example: 15 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/proposals/{proposal_uuid}/decline': patch: summary: Decline description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: proposal_uuid description: '' example: 15 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/proposals/{proposal_uuid}/updated-selected-pricing': patch: summary: 'Update Selected Pricing' description: 'Patch the specified proposal.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: proposal_values: type: object description: "The collected data of the proposal in object format.\n Example : {\"price\":1000.00,\"currency\":\"$\"}" example: [] properties: [] parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: proposal_uuid description: '' example: 15 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/proposals/{proposal_uuid}/customer-forms': patch: summary: 'Submit Customer Forms' description: 'Patch the specified proposal.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: formValues: type: array description: '' example: - velit items: type: string attachedDocuments: type: array description: '' example: - magnam items: type: string submittedForms: type: array description: '' example: - maxime items: type: string proposal_values: type: object description: "The collected data of the proposal in object format.\n Example : {\"price\":1000.00,\"currency\":\"$\"}" example: [] properties: [] required: - formValues - submittedForms parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: proposal_uuid description: '' example: 15 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/proposals/{proposal_uuid}/video-clicked': post: summary: 'Log Video Clicked' description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: video_type: type: "'service'" description: "| 'screen_recording'" example: qui parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: proposal_uuid description: '' example: 15 required: true schema: type: integer /api/v1/proposals: get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of proposal with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: include_fields: type: array description: '' example: - null items: type: string ignore_cached: type: boolean description: '' example: false post: summary: Create description: 'Store a newly created proposal.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: title: type: string description: 'The title of the proposal. Example : Pest Route Initial Proposal' example: quod description: type: string description: 'The paragraph describing the proposal.' example: possimus company_location_uuid: type: string description: "The UUID of user's company locatin.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" example: doloribus customer_uuid: type: string description: "The UUID of customer you wish to send the proposal.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" example: ullam customer_address_uuid: type: string description: "The UUID of customer's address.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" example: repudiandae status_uuid: type: string description: "The UUID of proposal status.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" example: commodi service_plan_uuids: type: array description: "The list of ServicePlan's UUID you want to add in the proposal.\n Example : [\"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\", \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"]" example: - natus items: type: string proposal_values: type: object description: "The collected data of the proposal in object format.\n Example : {\"price\":1000.00,\"currency\":\"$\"}" example: [] properties: [] proposal_template_uuid: type: string description: "The UUID of proposal template.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" example: aut required: - title - company_location_uuid - customer_uuid - customer_address_uuid - status_uuid - proposal_template_uuid parameters: - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 15 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 5 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: voluptas - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: accusamus - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: et - in: path name: company_location_uuid description: "Optional parameter. The UUID of company location.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: eius - in: path name: company_location_uuids description: "Optional parameter. string[] The UUID of company location.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: nihil - in: path name: status_uuid description: 'Optional parameter. The UUID of proposal status. Example : "815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5"' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: error - in: path name: customer_uuid description: 'Optional parameter. The UUID of a customer. Example : "815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5"' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: non - in: path name: include_fields description: 'Optional parameter. string[] Optionally include related data for the proposal. Example : "company"' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: officiis - in: path name: user_uuid description: "Optional parameter. Filter by the user that created proposals.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: numquam /api/v1/proposals/export-list: get: summary: 'Export List' description: 'Returns a CSV file of list of filtered proposal list.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal parameters: - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 20 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 9 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: rem - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: eligendi - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: in - in: path name: company_location_uuid description: "Optional parameter. The UUID of company location.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: sit - in: path name: company_location_uuids description: "Optional parameter. string[] The UUID of company location.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: explicabo - in: path name: status_uuid description: 'Optional parameter. The UUID of proposal status. Example : "815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5"' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: tempora - in: path name: customer_uuid description: 'Optional parameter. The UUID of a customer. Example : "815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5"' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: commodi - in: path name: include_fields description: 'Optional parameter. string[] Optionally include related data for the proposal. Example : "company"' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: et - in: path name: user_uuid description: "Optional parameter. Filter by the user that created proposals.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: qui /api/v1/proposals/summary: get: summary: Summary description: "Shows the summary of proposal.\nReturns number of items per Proposal status." parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal '/api/v1/proposals/{proposal_uuid}': get: summary: Get description: 'Display the selected proposal.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal put: summary: Update description: 'Updates the specified proposal.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: title: type: string description: 'The title of the proposal.' example: '"Pest Route Initial Proposal"' description: type: string description: 'The paragraph describing the proposal.' example: '"Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit."' company_location_uuid: type: string description: "The UUID of user's company locatin.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" example: distinctio customer_uuid: type: string description: "The UUID of customer you wish to send the proposal.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" example: esse customer_address_uuid: type: string description: "The UUID of customer's address.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" example: eaque status_uuid: type: string description: "The UUID of proposal status.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" example: quisquam service_plan_uuids: type: array description: "The list of ServicePlan's UUID you want to add in the proposal.\n Example : ['815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5', '815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5']" example: - sunt items: type: string proposal_values: type: object description: "The collected data of the proposal in object format.\n Example : {\"price\":1000.00,\"currency\":\"$\"}" example: [] properties: [] settings: type: array description: '' example: - consequuntur items: type: string proposal_template_uuid: type: string description: "The UUID of proposal template.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" example: doloribus include_fields: type: array description: '' example: - sunt items: type: string expire_at: type: string description: 'Must be a valid date.' example: '2024-09-18T11:50:25' required: - title - company_location_uuid - customer_uuid - customer_address_uuid - status_uuid - proposal_template_uuid patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch the specified proposal.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: title: type: string description: 'The title of the proposal. Example : Pest Route Initial Proposal' example: laudantium description: type: string description: 'The paragraph describing the proposal.' example: neque company_location_uuid: type: string description: "The UUID of user's company locatin.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" example: quidem customer_uuid: type: string description: "The UUID of customer you wish to send the proposal.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" example: qui customer_address_uuid: type: string description: "The UUID of customer's address.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" example: et status_uuid: type: string description: "The UUID of proposal status.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" example: id service_plan_uuids: type: array description: "The list of ServicePlan's UUID you want to add in the proposal.\n Example : ['815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5', '815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5']" example: - qui items: type: string proposal_values: type: object description: "The collected data of the proposal in object format.\n Example : {\"price\":1000.00,\"currency\":\"$\"}" example: [] properties: [] settings: type: array description: '' example: - blanditiis items: type: string proposal_template_uuid: type: string description: "The UUID of proposal template.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" example: tempore include_fields: type: array description: '' example: - rerum items: type: string expire_at: type: string description: 'Must be a valid date.' example: '2024-09-18T11:50:25' required: - proposal_template_uuid delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a specified proposal.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal parameters: - in: path name: proposal_uuid description: '' example: 15 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/proposals/{proposal_uuid}/activity-logs': get: summary: 'List of Activity Logs' description: "Shows the list of proposal's activity logs with pagination." parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: include_fields: type: array description: '' example: - culpa items: type: string post: summary: Create description: 'Store a newly created proposal activity entry' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: description: type: string description: 'The description of activity entry.' example: "Be sure to follow-up with the customer.'" remind_at: type: string description: 'The date of reminder through email.' example: 07/23/2024 required: - description - remind_at parameters: - in: path name: proposal_uuid description: '' example: 15 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 12 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 5 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: ut - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: ut - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: laborum '/api/v1/proposals/{proposal_uuid}/tarf-xml-url': get: summary: 'Download TARF XML' description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal parameters: - in: path name: proposal_uuid description: '' example: 15 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/proposals/{proposal_uuid}/cali-wdo-report-url': get: summary: 'Download California WDO XML' description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal parameters: - in: path name: proposal_uuid description: '' example: 15 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/proposals/{proposal_uuid}/activity-logs/{activityEntryUuid}/{action}': post: summary: action description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal parameters: - in: path name: proposal_uuid description: '' example: 15 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: activityEntryUuid description: '' example: rerum required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: action description: '' example: numquam required: true schema: type: string '/api/v1/proposals/{proposal_uuid}/duplicate': post: summary: Duplicate description: 'This endpoint lets user to duplicate proposal and set into a draft mode' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal parameters: - in: path name: proposal_uuid description: 'Optional parameter. uuid required The uuid of the proposal.' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f '/api/v1/proposals/{proposal_uuid}/upload-review-photo': post: summary: 'Upload Review Photo' description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: multipart/form-data schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: photo: type: string format: binary description: 'The image file.' type: type: enum description: "'cover' | 'photos' required The photo type." example: "'cover'." layout: type: enum description: "'Tiled' | 'Stacked' required The photo type." example: "'Tiled'." required: - photo parameters: - in: path name: proposal_uuid description: '' example: 15 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/proposals/{proposal_uuid}/push-to-crm': post: summary: 'Resync document' description: 'Resync document the specified proposal.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: title: type: string description: 'The title of the proposal. Example : Pest Route Initial Proposal' example: nulla description: type: string description: 'The paragraph describing the proposal.' example: corrupti company_location_uuid: type: string description: "The UUID of user's company locatin.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" example: sunt customer_uuid: type: string description: "The UUID of customer you wish to send the proposal.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" example: voluptas customer_address_uuid: type: string description: "The UUID of customer's address.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" example: repellat status_uuid: type: string description: "The UUID of proposal status.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" example: qui service_plan_uuids: type: array description: "The list of ServicePlan's UUID you want to add in the proposal.\n Example : ['815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5', '815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5']" example: - dolorum items: type: string proposal_values: type: object description: "The collected data of the proposal in object format.\n Example : {\"price\":1000.00,\"currency\":\"$\"}" example: [] properties: [] proposal_template_uuid: type: string description: "The UUID of proposal template.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" example: iusto required: - proposal_template_uuid parameters: - in: path name: proposal_uuid description: '' example: 15 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/proposals/{proposal_uuid}/activity-logs/{activityEntryUuid}': put: summary: Update description: 'Update a proposal activity entry' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: description: type: string description: 'The description of activity entry.' example: "Be sure to follow-up with the customer.'" remind_at: type: string description: 'The date of reminder through email.' example: 07/23/2024 required: - description - remind_at delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a proposal activity entry' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal parameters: - in: path name: proposal_uuid description: '' example: 15 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: activityEntryUuid description: '' example: voluptate required: true schema: type: string '/api/v1/proposals/{proposal_uuid}/share': patch: summary: Share description: 'Send proposal via email' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: recipients: type: array description: 'The recipients of the proposal.' example: - - items: type: string subject: type: string description: 'The subject of the proposal.' example: '"Pest Route Initial Proposal"' body: type: string description: 'The body of the proposal.' example: '"Pest Route Initial Proposal"' required: - recipients - subject - body parameters: - in: path name: proposal_uuid description: '' example: 15 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/proposals/{proposal_uuid}/delete-review-photo': delete: summary: 'Delete Review Photo' description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Proposal requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: image_url: type: string description: 'The image url.' example: quis type: type: enum description: "'cover' | 'photos' required The photo type." example: "'cover'." required: - image_url parameters: - in: path name: proposal_uuid description: '' example: 15 required: true schema: type: integer /api/v1/proposals/templates: get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of ProposalTemplates with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Proposal Templates' post: summary: Store description: 'Store a newly created Proposal Template.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Proposal Templates' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: company_location_uuid: type: string description: "The uuid of company location for proposal template.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" example: sit title: type: string description: 'The name of the proposal template. Example : Proposal Template 1' example: minus description: type: string description: 'The name of the proposal template. Example : This is a sample description' example: deleniti settings: type: object description: 'The attributes of the proposal template.' example: attr: value properties: [] service_plan_uuids: type: array description: 'The list of ServicePlans to be associated to the ProposalTemplate.' example: - 815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5 - 815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5 items: type: string required: - company_location_uuid - title parameters: - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 10 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 2 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: est - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: aut - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: sint '/api/v1/proposals/templates/{proposalTemplate_uuid}/duplicate': post: summary: Duplicate description: 'Duplicate a proposal template' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Proposal Templates' parameters: - in: path name: proposalTemplate_uuid description: '' example: non required: true schema: type: string '/api/v1/proposals/templates/{proposalTemplate_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single proposal template.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Proposal Templates' put: summary: Update description: 'Update a proposal template.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Proposal Templates' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: company_location_uuid: type: string description: "The uuid of company location for proposal template.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" example: commodi title: type: string description: 'The name of the proposal template. Example : Proposal Template 1' example: blanditiis description: type: string description: 'The name of the proposal template. Example : This is a sample description' example: ad settings: type: object description: 'The attributes of the proposal template.' example: attr: value properties: [] service_plan_uuids: type: array description: 'The list of ServicePlans to be associated to the ProposalTemplate.' example: - 815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5 - 815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5 items: type: string required: - company_location_uuid - title patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch a company proposal template.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Proposal Templates' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: company_location_uuid: type: string description: "The uuid of company location for proposal template.\n Example : \"815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5\"" example: magnam title: type: string description: 'The name of the proposal template. Example : Proposal Template 1' example: eum description: type: string description: 'The name of the proposal template. Example : This is a sample description' example: laboriosam settings: type: object description: 'The attributes of the proposal template.' example: attr: value properties: [] service_plan_uuids: type: array description: 'The list of ServicePlans to be associated to the ProposalTemplate.' example: - 815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5 - 815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5 items: type: string delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a proposal template.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Proposal Templates' parameters: - in: path name: proposalTemplate_uuid description: '' example: voluptas required: true schema: type: string '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/referral-sources': get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of referral sources.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Referral Source' post: summary: Store description: 'Store a newly created referral source.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Referral Source' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the referral source. Example : Referral Source 1' example: eligendi description: type: string description: 'The attributes of the referral source.' example: '"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit."' integration_source_id: type: string description: 'optional The image source id of the referral source.' example: '1234263' required: - name - description parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 2 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 12 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: aperiam - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: corporis - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: blanditiis '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/referral-sources/{referralSource_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single referral source.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Referral Source' put: summary: Update description: 'Update a referral source.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Referral Source' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the referral source. Example : Referral Source 1' example: natus description: type: string description: 'The attributes of the referral source.' example: '"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit."' integration_source_id: type: string description: 'optional The image source id of the referral source.' example: '1234263' required: - name - description patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch a company referral source.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Referral Source' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the referral source. Example : Referral Source 1' example: at description: type: string description: 'The attributes of the referral source.' example: '"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit."' integration_source_id: type: string description: 'optional The image source id of the referral source.' example: '1234263' required: - name - description delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a referral source.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Referral Source' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: referralSource_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer /api/v1/reports: get: summary: List description: 'Returns the list of available reports' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Report parameters: - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 8 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 18 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : title' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: quibusdam - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: fuga - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: qui - in: path name: filter_by_uuids description: 'Optional parameter. string[] To fitler by selected uuids. Example : [uuid, uuid-2]' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: sequi - in: path name: uuid description: 'Optional parameter. optional The company uuid.' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f '/api/v1/reports/{report_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single report.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Report parameters: - in: path name: report_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: user_uuid description: 'Optional parameter. optional string The user uuid. Example : "815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5"' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: nostrum - in: path name: period description: "Optional parameter. optional array The period type. Example : [['period_type' => 'days', 'period_detail' => [1, 7, 30, 365]], ['period_type' => 'months', 'period_detail' => ['2023-01-01', '2023-02-02']]]" required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: non - in: path name: company_location_uuid description: 'Optional parameter. optional string The company location uuid. Example : "815d3d9c-f371-3781-8456-7e6954b5b0f5"' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: possimus '/api/v1/reports/{report_uuid}/export': get: summary: Export description: 'Export summary reports' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Report parameters: - in: path name: report_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/reports/{report_uuid}/filters': get: summary: Filters description: 'Retrieve filters to be used in frontend processes' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Report parameters: - in: path name: report_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/reviews': get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of review with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Review post: summary: Store description: 'Store a newly created review.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: multipart/form-data schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Review requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the customer/reviewer. Example : "My Review"' example: est message: type: string description: 'The message of the review. Example : "Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consequatur dolores iste quae soluta."' example: est rate: type: string description: 'The rate of the review ranging from 0-5. Example : 5' example: ut photo: type: string format: binary description: 'The file photo of the review..jpg, .jpeg, .png' external_photo_url: type: string description: 'An external url of an image as review/photo.' example: aut position: type: integer description: 'The the position of the review. Example : 2' example: 4 company_location_uuid: type: uuid description: 'The company location to be associated to the review. Leaving empty/blank means visible to all company locations.' example: quis required: - name - rate patch: summary: 'Patch Index' description: 'Performs specific updates for review ranking' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Review parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 15 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 10 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: est - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: quis - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: voluptatum - in: path name: is_all_location description: 'Optional parameter. boolean Will get all reviews that is not company location specific. Example : true' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: non '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/reviews/{review_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single review.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Review post: summary: Update description: 'Update a review.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: multipart/form-data schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Review requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the customer/reviewer. Example : "My Review"' example: odio message: type: string description: 'The message of the review. Example : "Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consequatur dolores iste quae soluta."' example: voluptas rate: type: string description: 'The rate of the review ranging from 0-5. Example : 5' example: et photo: type: string format: binary description: 'The file photo of the review..jpg, .jpeg, .png' external_photo_url: type: string description: 'An external url of an image as review/photo.' example: suscipit position: type: integer description: 'The the position of the review. Example : 2' example: 4 company_location_uuid: type: uuid description: 'The company location to be associated to the review. Leaving empty/blank means visible to all company locations.' example: delectus required: - name - rate patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch a company review.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Review requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the customer/reviewer. Example : "My Review"' example: saepe message: type: string description: 'The message of the review. Example : "Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consequatur dolores iste quae soluta."' example: dolorem rate: type: string description: 'The rate of the review ranging from 0-5. Example : 5' example: eaque external_photo_url: type: string description: 'An external url of an image as review/photo.' example: id position: type: integer description: 'The the position of the review. Example : 2' example: 13 company_location_uuid: type: uuid description: 'The company location to be associated to the review. Leaving empty/blank means visible to all company locations.' example: omnis delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a review.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Review parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: review_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer /api/v1/roles: get: summary: 'List / Fetch' description: 'Shows the list of role or fetch single record using uuid.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Role requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: 'optional The uuid of the role.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f name: type: string description: 'optional The role name.' example: admin post: summary: 'Create / Update role.' description: 'This endpoint lets user to create/update role.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Role requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the role.' example: admin uuid: type: string description: 'optional The uuid of the role.' example: ecd24580-2749-11ec-9b86-1102c06e74b4 required: - name '/api/v1/roles/{roleUuid}': get: summary: 'List / Fetch' description: 'Shows the list of role or fetch single record using uuid.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Role requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: 'optional The uuid of the role.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f name: type: string description: 'optional The role name.' example: admin put: summary: 'Create / Update role.' description: 'This endpoint lets user to create/update role.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Role requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the role.' example: admin uuid: type: string description: 'optional The uuid of the role.' example: ecd24580-2749-11ec-9b86-1102c06e74b4 required: - name delete: summary: Delete description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Role parameters: - in: path name: roleUuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/schedules': get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of schedule with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Schedule post: summary: Store description: 'Store a newly created schedule.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Schedule requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the schedule. Example : "My Schedule"' example: illo description: type: string description: 'The description of the schedule. Example : "Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consequatur dolores iste quae soluta."' example: ea type: type: string description: 'The type of the schedule (service, billing). Example : "service"' example: tempore units: type: integer description: 'The number of week(s)/month(s)/year(s) of a schedule. Example : 5' example: 9 term: type: string description: 'The terms of the schedule (week/month/year). Example : week' example: maxime enabled_service_months: type: array description: 'The list of integer which represents a month. Example : [1, 2, 12] means ["January", "February", "December"]' example: - qui items: type: string visits: type: integer description: 'The number of visits of the schedule. Example : 52' example: 1 required: - name - type - units - term - enabled_service_months parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 11 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 18 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: commodi - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: occaecati - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: debitis - in: path name: type description: "Optional parameter. in:'service','billing' The filter by type. Example : service" required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: veritatis '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/schedules/{schedule_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single schedule.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Schedule put: summary: Update description: 'Update a schedule.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Schedule requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the schedule. Example : "My Schedule"' example: corporis description: type: string description: 'The description of the schedule. Example : "Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consequatur dolores iste quae soluta."' example: laudantium type: type: string description: 'The type of the schedule (service, billing). Example : "service"' example: distinctio units: type: integer description: 'The number of week(s)/month(s)/year(s) of a schedule. Example : 5' example: 13 term: type: string description: 'The terms of the schedule (week/month/year). Example : week' example: vero enabled_service_months: type: array description: 'The list of integer which represents a month. Example : [1, 2, 12] means ["January", "February", "December"]' example: - blanditiis items: type: string visits: type: integer description: 'The number of visits of the schedule. Example : 52' example: 7 required: - name - type - units - term - enabled_service_months patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch a company schedule.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Schedule requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the schedule. Example : "My Schedule"' example: ut description: type: string description: 'The description of the schedule. Example : "Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consequatur dolores iste quae soluta."' example: veniam type: type: string description: 'The type of the schedule (service, billing). Example : "service"' example: nobis units: type: integer description: 'The number of week(s)/month(s)/year(s) of a schedule. Example : 5' example: 13 term: type: string description: 'The terms of the schedule (week/month/year). Example : week' example: illum enabled_service_months: type: array description: 'The list of integer which represents a month. Example : [1, 2, 12] means ["January", "February", "December"]' example: - est items: type: string visits: type: integer description: 'The number of visits of the schedule. Example : 52' example: 11 required: - name - type - units - term - enabled_service_months delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a schedule.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Schedule parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: schedule_uuid description: '' example: 2 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/service-agreements': get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of company service agreements with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Agreement' post: summary: Store description: 'Store a service agreement.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Agreement' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: title: type: string description: 'The title of the service agreement. Example : Termites Service Agreement' example: ipsam content: type: string description: 'The content of the service agreement. Example : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor' example: magni required: - title - content parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 6 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 17 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : title' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: eius - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: quidem - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: iste - in: path name: filter_by_uuids description: 'Optional parameter. string[] To fitler by selected uuids. Example : [uuid, uuid-2]' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: corporis '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/service-agreements/{serviceAgreement_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single service agreement.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Agreement' put: summary: Update description: 'Update a service agreement.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Agreement' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: title: type: string description: 'The title of the service agreement. Example : Termites Service Agreement' example: distinctio content: type: string description: 'The content of the service agreement. Example : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor' example: voluptatibus required: - title - content patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch a service agreement.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Agreement' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: title: type: string description: 'optional The title of the service agreement. Example : Termites Service Agreement' example: harum content: type: string description: 'optional The content of the service agreement. Example : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor' example: dicta delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a service agreement.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Agreement' parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: serviceAgreement_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/companies/{company_uuid}/service-agreements/{serviceAgreement_uuid}/setAsActive': patch: summary: 'Patch - Set as Active' description: 'Set as Active a service agreement version.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Agreement' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: title: type: string description: 'optional The title of the service agreement. Example : Termites Service Agreement' example: repudiandae content: type: string description: 'optional The content of the service agreement. Example : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor' example: rerum parameters: - in: path name: company_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: serviceAgreement_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer /api/v1/service-plans: get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of Service Plans with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan' post: summary: Create description: 'Store a newly created Service Plan.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of Service Plan.' example: 'Premium Service Plan' description: type: string description: 'The description of Service Plan.' example: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit' company_locations_uuid: type: array description: 'List of company_location_uuid.' example: - 10933939-447e-3d2c-944f-b3ef57dc6eeb - 10933939-447e-3d2c-944f-b3ef57dc6eeb items: type: string categories_uuid: type: array description: 'List of category_uuid. Example:' example: - 10933939-447e-3d2c-944f-b3ef57dc6eeb - 10933939-447e-3d2c-944f-b3ef57dc6eeb items: type: string default_contract_term: type: string description: '' example: null default_contract_term_units: type: number description: '' example: 6573.74 required: - name parameters: - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 20 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 8 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: sint - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: neque - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: voluptate - in: path name: string description: 'Optional parameter. The filter for service plans with status in statuses_uuid.' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: '["725d1dcd-54ad-3a8b-a28e-830c43d8ed6c", "b033658c-4532-3dd7-9be7-64433580eda6"]' '/api/v1/service-plans/{servicePlan_uuid}': get: summary: Get description: 'Shows the specified Service Plan.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan' put: summary: Update description: 'Perform a full field update for the specified Service Plan.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of Service Plan.' example: 'Premium Service Plan' description: type: string description: 'The description of Service Plan.' example: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit' company_locations_uuid: type: array description: 'List of company_location_uuid.' example: - 10933939-447e-3d2c-944f-b3ef57dc6eeb - 10933939-447e-3d2c-944f-b3ef57dc6eeb items: type: string categories_uuid: type: array description: 'List of category_uuid. Example:' example: - 10933939-447e-3d2c-944f-b3ef57dc6eeb - 10933939-447e-3d2c-944f-b3ef57dc6eeb items: type: string default_contract_term: type: string description: '' example: null default_contract_term_units: type: number description: '' example: 49045935.8905 save_as: type: string description: 'Must be one of SERVICE_PLAN_DRAFT, SERVICE_PLAN_ACTIVE, or SERVICE_PLAN_ARCHIVED.' example: SERVICE_PLAN_ARCHIVED required: - name patch: summary: Patch description: 'Perform a patch for the specified Service Plan.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'requiredThe name of Service Plan.' example: 'Premium Service Plan' description: type: string description: 'The description of Service Plan.' example: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit' company_locations_uuid: type: array description: 'List of company_location_uuid.' example: - 10933939-447e-3d2c-944f-b3ef57dc6eeb - 10933939-447e-3d2c-944f-b3ef57dc6eeb items: type: string categories_uuid: type: array description: 'List of category_uuid. Example:' example: - 10933939-447e-3d2c-944f-b3ef57dc6eeb - 10933939-447e-3d2c-944f-b3ef57dc6eeb items: type: string settings: type: array description: '' example: - repellat items: type: string default_contract_term: type: string description: '' example: null default_contract_term_units: type: number description: '' example: 382.447931 save_as: type: string description: 'Must be one of SERVICE_PLAN_DRAFT, SERVICE_PLAN_ACTIVE, or SERVICE_PLAN_ARCHIVED.' example: SERVICE_PLAN_ARCHIVED delete: summary: Delete description: 'Remove the specified Service Plan.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan' parameters: - in: path name: servicePlan_uuid description: '' example: 2 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/service-plans/{servicePlan_uuid}/duplicate': post: summary: Duplicate description: 'This endpoint lets user to duplicate service plan and set into a draft mode' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan' parameters: - in: path name: servicePlan_uuid description: '' example: 2 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: service_plan_uuid description: 'Optional parameter. uuid required The uuid of the service plan.' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f '/api/v1/service-plans/{servicePlan_uuid}/draft': patch: summary: 'Save as Draft' description: 'Save as Draft the specified Service Plan.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan' parameters: - in: path name: servicePlan_uuid description: '' example: 2 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/service-plans/{servicePlan_uuid}/publish': patch: summary: Publish description: 'Publish the specified Service Plan.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan' parameters: - in: path name: servicePlan_uuid description: '' example: 2 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/service-plans/{servicePlan_uuid}/archive': patch: summary: Archived description: 'Archived the specified Service Plan.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan' parameters: - in: path name: servicePlan_uuid description: '' example: 2 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/service-plans/{servicePlan_uuid}/unarchive': patch: summary: Unarchived description: 'Unarchived the specified Service Plan.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan' parameters: - in: path name: servicePlan_uuid description: '' example: 2 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/service-plans/{servicePlan_uuid}/custom-fields': get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of Service Plan Custom Fields with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan Custom Field' post: summary: 'Create (Single/Multiple)' description: "Store a newly created Service Plan Custom Field.\nFor multiple creation, the @bodyParameter will be an array of a single @bodyParameter" parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan Custom Field' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: label: type: string description: 'The label Service Plan Custom Field.' example: 'First Name' input_type: type: string description: 'The field type of the custom field.' example: TEXT default_value: type: string description: 'optional The default value of the custom field.' example: '""' combine_input_value_collection: type: boolean description: 'optional The option to combine custom fields by label.' example: true required: - label - input_type put: summary: 'Update (Single/Multiple)' description: "Modify the specified Service Plan Custom Field.\nFor Multiple update, @bodyparameter will be an array of the Single @bodyParameter (if uuid is included then perform an update; else, create new record)." parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan Custom Field' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: custom_fields: type: array description: '' example: - [] items: type: object properties: label: type: string description: 'Must not be greater than 191 characters.' example: dqppdnidok input_type: type: string description: '' example: null combine_input_value_collection: type: boolean description: '' example: true required: - label save_service_plan_as: type: string description: 'Must be one of SERVICE_PLAN_DRAFT, SERVICE_PLAN_ACTIVE, or SERVICE_PLAN_ARCHIVED.' example: SERVICE_PLAN_ACTIVE label: type: string description: 'The label Service Plan Custom Field.' example: 'First Name' input_type: type: string description: 'The field type of the custom field.' example: TEXT default_value: type: string description: 'optional The default value of the custom field.' example: '""' combine_input_value_collection: type: boolean description: 'optional The option to combine custom fields by label.' example: true required: - label - input_type parameters: - in: path name: servicePlan_uuid description: '' example: 2 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 1 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 5 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: et - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: mollitia - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: velit '/api/v1/service-plans/{servicePlan_uuid}/custom-fields/{servicePlanCustomField_uuid}': get: summary: Get description: 'Display the specified Service Plan Custom Field.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan Custom Field' put: summary: 'Update (Single/Multiple)' description: "Modify the specified Service Plan Custom Field.\nFor Multiple update, @bodyparameter will be an array of the Single @bodyParameter (if uuid is included then perform an update; else, create new record)." parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan Custom Field' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: custom_fields: type: array description: '' example: - [] items: type: object properties: label: type: string description: 'Must not be greater than 191 characters.' example: onxczafwsiirvwtcilnpsdmsbtosrmdumenrqtfbwnczotdw input_type: type: string description: '' example: null combine_input_value_collection: type: boolean description: '' example: false required: - label save_service_plan_as: type: string description: 'Must be one of SERVICE_PLAN_DRAFT, SERVICE_PLAN_ACTIVE, or SERVICE_PLAN_ARCHIVED.' example: SERVICE_PLAN_ARCHIVED label: type: string description: 'The label Service Plan Custom Field.' example: 'First Name' input_type: type: string description: 'The field type of the custom field.' example: TEXT default_value: type: string description: 'optional The default value of the custom field.' example: '""' combine_input_value_collection: type: boolean description: 'optional The option to combine custom fields by label.' example: true required: - label - input_type patch: summary: Patch description: 'Perform patches for the specified Service Plan Custom Field.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan Custom Field' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: label: type: string description: 'The label Service Plan Custom Field.' example: 'First Name' input_type: type: string description: 'The field type of the custom field.' example: TEXT default_value: type: string description: 'optional The default value of the custom field.' example: '""' combine_input_value_collection: type: boolean description: 'optional The option to combine custom fields by label.' example: true delete: summary: Delete description: 'Remove the specified Service Plan Custom Field.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan Custom Field' parameters: - in: path name: servicePlan_uuid description: '' example: 2 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: servicePlanCustomField_uuid description: '' example: qui required: true schema: type: string '/api/v1/service-plans/{servicePlan_uuid}/pricing-groups': get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of Service Plan Pricing Group with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan Pricing Group' post: summary: Create description: 'Store a newly created Service Plan Pricing Group.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan Pricing Group' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: pricing_group: type: array description: '' example: - vitae items: type: string name: type: string description: 'The name of Service Plan Pricing Group.' example: 'Premium Service Plan Pricing Group' frequency: type: string description: 'The frequency of Service Plan Pricing Group.' example: MONTHLY pricing_type: type: string description: 'The pricing type of Service Plan Pricing Group.' example: DYNAMIC_RANGE_PRICE apply_taxes: type: boolean description: 'The support request details.' example: true description: type: string description: 'The support request details.' example: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit...' pricing_data: type: object description: 'The support request details.' example: type: 'The Price' default: 'The Pricing' max: '1000.00' properties: [] required: - pricing_group - name - frequency put: summary: 'Update (Single/Multiple)' description: "Modify the specified Service Plan Pricing Group.\nFor Single update, body parameter are all required.\nFor Multiple update, @bodyparameter will be an array of the Single @bodyParameter (if uuid is included then perform update; else, create new)." parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan Pricing Group' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: pricing_group: type: array description: '' example: - odio items: type: string pricing_group_rules: type: array description: '' example: - fugit items: type: string save_service_plan_as: type: string description: 'Must be one of SERVICE_PLAN_DRAFT, SERVICE_PLAN_ACTIVE, or SERVICE_PLAN_ARCHIVED.' example: SERVICE_PLAN_DRAFT name: type: string description: 'The name of Service Plan Pricing Group.' example: 'Premium Service Plan Pricing Group' frequency: type: string description: 'The frequency of Service Plan Pricing Group.' example: MONTHLY pricing_type: type: string description: 'The pricing type of Service Plan Pricing Group.' example: DYNAMIC_RANGE_PRICE apply_taxes: type: boolean description: 'The support request details.' example: true description: type: string description: 'The support request details.' example: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit...' pricing_data: type: object description: 'The support request details.' example: type: 'The Price' default: 'The Pricing' max: '1000.00' properties: [] required: - pricing_group - name - frequency - pricing_type - apply_taxes - description - pricing_data parameters: - in: path name: servicePlan_uuid description: '' example: 2 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 4 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 16 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: vel - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: tempora - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: animi '/api/v1/service-plans/{servicePlan_uuid}/pricing-groups/{servicePlanPricingGroup_uuid}': get: summary: Get description: 'Display the specified Service Plan Pricing Group.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan Pricing Group' put: summary: 'Update (Single/Multiple)' description: "Modify the specified Service Plan Pricing Group.\nFor Single update, body parameter are all required.\nFor Multiple update, @bodyparameter will be an array of the Single @bodyParameter (if uuid is included then perform update; else, create new)." parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan Pricing Group' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: pricing_group: type: array description: '' example: - et items: type: string pricing_group_rules: type: array description: '' example: - tempora items: type: string save_service_plan_as: type: string description: 'Must be one of SERVICE_PLAN_DRAFT, SERVICE_PLAN_ACTIVE, or SERVICE_PLAN_ARCHIVED.' example: SERVICE_PLAN_ARCHIVED name: type: string description: 'The name of Service Plan Pricing Group.' example: 'Premium Service Plan Pricing Group' frequency: type: string description: 'The frequency of Service Plan Pricing Group.' example: MONTHLY pricing_type: type: string description: 'The pricing type of Service Plan Pricing Group.' example: DYNAMIC_RANGE_PRICE apply_taxes: type: boolean description: 'The support request details.' example: true description: type: string description: 'The support request details.' example: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit...' pricing_data: type: object description: 'The support request details.' example: type: 'The Price' default: 'The Pricing' max: '1000.00' properties: [] required: - pricing_group - name - frequency - pricing_type - apply_taxes - description - pricing_data patch: summary: Patch description: 'Perform patches for the specified Service Plan Pricing Group.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan Pricing Group' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of Service Plan Pricing Group.' example: 'Premium Service Plan Pricing Group' frequency: type: string description: 'The frequency of Service Plan Pricing Group.' example: MONTHLY pricing_type: type: string description: 'The pricing type of Service Plan Pricing Group.' example: DYNAMIC_RANGE_PRICE apply_taxes: type: boolean description: 'The support request details.' example: true description: type: string description: 'The support request details.' example: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit...' pricing_data: type: object description: 'The support request details.' example: type: 'The Price' default: 'The Pricing' max: '1000.00' properties: [] delete: summary: Delete description: 'Remove the specified Service Plan Pricing Group.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Service Plan Pricing Group' parameters: - in: path name: servicePlan_uuid description: '' example: 2 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: servicePlanPricingGroup_uuid description: '' example: aut required: true schema: type: string /api/v1/solutions: get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of solutions.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Solution post: summary: Store description: 'Store a new solution.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Solution requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: solution_category_uuid: type: uuid description: 'The solution category of the solution. Example : "3c787d66-2a4f-3f1d-9591-c330be0abe82"' example: placeat name: type: string description: 'The name of the solution. Example : Solution 1' example: quo slug: type: string description: 'The slug of the solution category.' example: solution-1 description: type: string description: 'The attributes of the solution.' example: '"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit."' video_url: type: string description: 'The video url of the solution.' example: '""' required: - solution_category_uuid - name parameters: - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 14 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 5 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: aperiam - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: quasi - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: iure - in: path name: filter_by_solution_category_uuids description: 'Optional parameter. array To filter the list of solutions by solution category. Example : ["3c787d66-2a4f-3f1d-9591-c330be0abe82"]' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: est - in: path name: filter_by_status_uuid description: 'Optional parameter. To filter the list the status. Example : "3c787d66-2a4f-3f1d-9591-c330be0abe82"' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: dicta '/api/v1/solutions/{solution_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single solution.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Solution put: summary: Update description: 'Update a solution.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Solution requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: solution_category_uuid: type: uuid description: 'The solution category of the solution. Example : "3c787d66-2a4f-3f1d-9591-c330be0abe82"' example: dignissimos name: type: string description: 'The name of the solution. Example : Solution 1' example: minima slug: type: string description: 'The slug of the solution category.' example: solution-1 description: type: string description: 'The attributes of the solution.' example: '"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit."' video_url: type: string description: 'The video url of the solution.' example: '""' status_uuid: type: string description: 'The video url of the solution.' example: '"3c787d66-2a4f-3f1d-9591-c330be0abe82"' required: - solution_category_uuid - name patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch a solution.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Solution requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: solution_category_uuid: type: uuid description: 'The solution category of the solution. Example : "3c787d66-2a4f-3f1d-9591-c330be0abe82"' example: quis name: type: string description: 'The name of the solution. Example : Solution 1' example: enim slug: type: string description: 'The slug of the solution category.' example: solution-1 description: type: string description: 'The attributes of the solution.' example: '"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit."' video_url: type: string description: 'The video url of the solution.' example: '""' status_uuid: type: string description: 'The video url of the solution.' example: '"3c787d66-2a4f-3f1d-9591-c330be0abe82"' delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a solution.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Solution parameters: - in: path name: solution_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer /api/v1/solutions/upload: post: summary: 'Store Image' description: 'Upload an image to solution' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: multipart/form-data schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Solution requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: fileUpload: type: string format: binary description: 'The file to be uploaded.' required: - fileUpload '/api/v1/solutions/{solution_uuid}/reset': put: summary: Reset description: "Reset a solution's user progress." parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Solution parameters: - in: path name: solution_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/solutions/{solution_uuid}/user-progress': put: summary: 'Update user progress' description: 'Update user progress.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Solution requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: is_completed: type: boolean description: 'The solution category of the solution. Example : false' example: false step: type: object description: 'The current step the use is on. Example : 2' example: [] properties: [] parameters: - in: path name: solution_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/solutions/{solutionCategory_uuid}/sort': patch: summary: 'Patch Index' description: 'Performs specific updates for solutions' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Solution parameters: - in: path name: solutionCategory_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: solutions_ranking_list description: 'Optional parameter. string[] A dictionary of uuids with uuid as key and rank as the value. Example : {"69e56cdf-cea8-4356-b35d-58d610aba886" : 1, "9c578b77-916a-4620-a246-fa951f422912" : 2}' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: ratione /api/v1/solution-categories: get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of solution categories.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Solution Category' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: include_fields: type: array description: 'Must be one of user_progress or solutions.' example: - solutions items: type: string ignore_cached: type: boolean description: '' example: true post: summary: Store description: 'Store a new solution category.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Solution Category' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the solution category. Example : Solution Category 1' example: sunt description: type: string description: 'The attributes of the solution category.' example: '"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit."' parent_solution_category_uuid: type: string description: 'optional The parent of the solution category.' example: '"3c787d66-2a4f-3f1d-9591-c330be0abe82"' required: - name - description parameters: - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 17 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 4 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: aperiam - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: et - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: qui - in: path name: filter_by_parent_solution_category_uuids description: 'Optional parameter. array To filter the list of solution categories by parent solution category. Example : ["3c787d66-2a4f-3f1d-9591-c330be0abe82"]' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: exercitationem '/api/v1/solution-categories/{solutionCategory_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single solution category.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Solution Category' put: summary: Update description: 'Update a solution category.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Solution Category' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the solution category. Example : Proposal Creation' example: omnis description: type: string description: 'The attributes of the solution category.' example: '"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit."' parent_solution_category_uuid: type: string description: 'optional The parent of the solution category.' example: '"3c787d66-2a4f-3f1d-9591-c330be0abe82"' required: - name - description patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch a solution category.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Solution Category' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: name: type: string description: 'The name of the solution category. Example : Proposal Creation' example: eum description: type: string description: 'The attributes of the solution category.' example: '"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit."' parent_solution_category_uuid: type: string description: 'optional The parent of the solution category.' example: '"3c787d66-2a4f-3f1d-9591-c330be0abe82"' required: - name - description delete: summary: Delete description: 'Delete a solution category.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Solution Category' parameters: - in: path name: solutionCategory_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/solution-categories/{solutionCategory_uuid}/reset': put: summary: Reset description: 'Reset a solution category user progress.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Solution Category' parameters: - in: path name: solutionCategory_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/solution-categories/{solutionCategory_uuid}/user-progress': put: summary: 'Update user progress' description: 'Update user progress.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Solution Category' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: is_completed: type: boolean description: 'The solution category of the solution. Example : false' example: true step: type: object description: 'The current step the use is on. Example : 2' example: [] properties: [] parameters: - in: path name: solutionCategory_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/solution-categories/{solutionCategory_uuid}/sort': patch: summary: 'Patch Index' description: 'Performs specific updates for solution categories' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Solution Category' parameters: - in: path name: solutionCategory_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: solution_categories_ranking_list description: 'Optional parameter. string[] A dictionary of uuids with uuid as key and rank as the value. Example : {"69e56cdf-cea8-4356-b35d-58d610aba886" : 1, "9c578b77-916a-4620-a246-fa951f422912" : 2}' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: reprehenderit '/api/v1/solutions/{solution_uuid}/feedback': get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of solution feedbacks.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Solution Feedback' post: summary: Store description: 'Store a new solution feedback.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Solution Feedback' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: rate: type: integer description: 'The name of the solution. Example : 5' example: 7 feedback: type: string description: 'The attributes of the solution.' example: '"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit."' required: - rate parameters: - in: path name: solution_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 3 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 11 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: aut - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: quidem - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : home' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: inventore '/api/v1/solutions/{solution_uuid}/feedback/{solutionFeedback_uuid}': get: summary: Show description: 'Show a single solution.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Solution Feedback' put: summary: Update description: 'Update a solution .' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Solution Feedback' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: rate: type: integer description: 'The name of the solution. Example : 5' example: 17 feedback: type: string description: 'The attributes of the solution.' example: '"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit."' required: - rate patch: summary: Patch description: 'Patch a solution feedback.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Solution Feedback' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: rate: type: integer description: 'The name of the solution. Example : 5' example: 12 feedback: type: string description: 'The attributes of the solution.' example: '"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit."' required: - rate delete: summary: Delete description: 'Remove the specified resource from storage.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Solution Feedback' parameters: - in: path name: solution_uuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: solutionFeedback_uuid description: '' example: possimus required: true schema: type: string '/api/v1/countries/{countryUuid}/states/{countryStateUuid}': get: summary: 'List / Fetch' description: 'Shows the list of state or fetch single record using uuid.' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - State requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: country_uuid: type: string description: 'optional The country uuid.' example: ecd24580-2749-11ec-9b86-1102c06e74b4 country_state_uuid: type: string description: 'optional The state uuid.' example: ed20f1c0-2749-11ec-85fa-a791bcbdc50d name: type: string description: 'optional The state name.' example: 'Queen Creek' security: [] parameters: - in: path name: countryUuid description: '' example: 1 required: true schema: type: integer - in: path name: countryStateUuid description: '' example: deleniti required: true schema: type: string /api/v1/support-request: post: summary: Store description: 'Send support request from users' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Support Request' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: support_type: type: string description: 'The support type.' example: "'General Inquiry'" description: type: string description: 'The support request details.' example: "'I cannot access documents. Please help.'" recordings: type: array description: '' example: - iure items: type: string client_detail: type: array description: '' example: - laudantium items: type: string screenshots_url: type: array description: 'The screenshots URL string.' example: - '' - '' items: type: string error_detail: type: array description: '' example: - quae items: type: string no_attachments: type: boolean description: 'Check if request has attachments.' example: false required: - support_type - description - screenshots_url - no_attachments '/api/v1/support-request-upload/{supportRequest_uuid}': post: summary: Upload description: 'Upload photos for Cover Letter or Photo Layout pages' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: multipart/form-data schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'Support Request' requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: screenshot_file: type: string format: binary description: 'Must be a file. Must be an image.' document_template_page_title: type: string description: 'The template page title.' example: 'Cover Letter' photo_file: type: string format: binary description: 'The photo of template page.' title: type: string description: 'optional The title of the photo.' example: 'Cover Letter Featured Image' decription: type: string description: 'optional The description of the photo.' example: 'Lorem ipsum dolor' append: type: boolean description: 'optional Determine whether to append uploaded photo to existing photos of template page.' example: true required: - screenshot_file - document_template_page_title - photo_file parameters: - in: path name: supportRequest_uuid description: '' example: cupiditate required: true schema: type: string /api/v1/import-set-tags: get: summary: List description: 'Shows the list of tags with pagination.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - Tag parameters: - in: path name: page description: 'Optional parameter. The page number. Example : 1' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 6 - in: path name: page_size description: 'Optional parameter. The number of record you want per page. Example : 5' required: true schema: type: integer examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: 6 - in: path name: sort_by description: 'Optional parameter. The column name. Example : name' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: quod - in: path name: sort_order description: 'Optional parameter. The order in which you want your records. Example : asc' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: vel - in: path name: search description: 'Optional parameter. The general search, it will find matching string. Example : "Pest Control"' required: true schema: type: string examples: omitted: summary: 'When the value is omitted' value: '' present: summary: 'When the value is present' value: nostrum /api/v1/users: get: summary: 'List / Fetch' description: 'Shows the list of users or fetch single record using uuid.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - User requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: 'optional The uuid of the user.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f post: summary: 'Create / Update.' description: 'This endpoint lets user to create or update single record using uuid' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: multipart/form-data schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - User requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: 'optional The document uuid.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f first_name: type: string description: 'The first name of the customer.' example: John last_name: type: string description: 'The last name of the customer.' example: Smith phone: type: string description: 'The phone of the customer.' example: '7897897894' email: type: string description: 'optional The email of the customer.' example: position: type: string description: 'The position of the customer.' example: Manager new_password: type: string description: 'optional The current password of the customer.' example: XXX confirm_new_password: type: string description: "optional The confirmation of the new password of\n the customer." example: XTXT profile_photo_url: type: string format: binary description: 'optional The image file.' required: - first_name - last_name - phone - position '/api/v1/users/{user_uuid}': get: summary: 'List / Fetch' description: 'Shows the list of users or fetch single record using uuid.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - User requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: 'optional The uuid of the user.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f put: summary: 'Create / Update.' description: 'This endpoint lets user to create or update single record using uuid' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: multipart/form-data schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - User requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: 'optional The document uuid.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f first_name: type: string description: 'The first name of the customer.' example: John last_name: type: string description: 'The last name of the customer.' example: Smith phone: type: string description: 'The phone of the customer.' example: '7897897894' email: type: string description: 'optional The email of the customer.' example: position: type: string description: 'The position of the customer.' example: Manager new_password: type: string description: 'optional The current password of the customer.' example: XXX confirm_new_password: type: string description: "optional The confirmation of the new password of\n the customer." example: XTXT profile_photo_url: type: string format: binary description: 'optional The image file.' required: - first_name - last_name - phone - position patch: summary: Patch description: 'This endpoint allows users to patch their user info.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: multipart/form-data schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - User requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: first_name: type: string description: '' example: voluptatibus last_name: type: string description: '' example: et phone: type: string description: 'The value format is invalid.' example: '2198866010' position: type: string description: '' example: molestiae settings: type: object description: '' example: [] properties: dark_theme: type: boolean description: '' example: true integrations: type: object description: '' example: [] properties: isn: type: array description: '' example: - inventore items: type: string wisetack: type: array description: '' example: - unde items: type: string uuid: type: string description: 'The user uuid.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f profile_photo_url: type: string format: binary description: 'The image file.' required: - uuid - profile_photo_url delete: summary: Delete description: 'This end point allows user to delete the user-account.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - User requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uuid: type: string description: 'The uuid of the user.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f required: - uuid parameters: - in: path name: user_uuid description: '' example: 3 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/users/{user_uuid}/image': post: summary: 'Store user profile pic.' description: 'This endpoint lets user to upload or update profile picture.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: multipart/form-data schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - User requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: profile_photo_url: type: string format: binary description: 'The image file.' uuid: type: string description: 'The user uuid.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f required: - profile_photo_url - uuid delete: summary: 'Remove Profile pic.' description: 'Only self user can remove his profile picture.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - User parameters: - in: path name: user_uuid description: '' example: 3 required: true schema: type: integer '/api/v1/users/{user_uuid}/signature-image': post: summary: 'Store user signature pic.' description: 'This endpoint lets user to upload or update signature picture.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: multipart/form-data schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - User requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: signature_photo_url: type: string format: binary description: 'The image file.' uuid: type: string description: 'The user uuid.' example: 3245d630-24fd-11ec-accd-e397aec85c7f required: - signature_photo_url - uuid parameters: - in: path name: user_uuid description: '' example: 3 required: true schema: type: integer /api/v1/users/image: delete: summary: 'Remove Profile pic.' description: 'Only self user can remove his profile picture.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - User /api/v1/auth/register: post: summary: 'Company Registration.' description: 'This endpoint lets company owner/manager to register.' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'User Authentication' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: company_name: type: string description: 'The company name of the user.' example: 'Smarter Launch' first_name: type: string description: 'The first name of the user.' example: John last_name: type: string description: 'The last name of the user.' example: Smith email: type: string description: 'The email of the user.' example: password: type: string description: 'The password of the user.' example: '$m@4T34L@un(}{' confirm_password: type: string description: 'The same password for confirmation.' example: '$m@4T34L@un(}{' referral_source: type: string description: 'optional The referral source.' example: 'google ad' required: - company_name - first_name - last_name - email - password - confirm_password security: [] /api/v1/auth/register/social: post: summary: 'Company registration using social account.' description: 'This endpoint lets company to register using social account.' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'User Authentication' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: social_type: type: integer description: 'The login type of the user (Google = 1).' example: 1 code: type: string description: 'auth code of the user.' example: '111806022046983237516' referral_source: type: string description: 'optional The referral source.' example: 'google ad' required: - social_type - code security: [] /api/v1/auth/register/company-user: post: summary: 'User registration based on company invite.' description: 'This endpoint lets you user to register himself who are invited by company.' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'User Authentication' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: first_name: type: string description: 'The first name of the user.' example: John last_name: type: string description: 'The last name of the user.' example: Smith email: type: string description: 'The email of the user.' example: password: type: string description: 'The password of the user.' example: '$m@4T34L@un(}{' confirm_password: type: string description: 'The same password for confirmation.' example: '$m@4T34L@un(}{' token: type: string description: 'To restrict unauthorized registration.' example: 7hKxKlz5sKHlqXFkkCfsKpj9iVPoaSlM18Uv5JuehYXQfTme33XtxGmNQ1yE required: - first_name - last_name - email - password - confirm_password - token security: [] /api/v1/auth/register/social/company-user: post: summary: 'User registration using social account based on company invite.' description: 'This endpoint lets user to register using social account.' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'User Authentication' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: email: type: string description: 'The email of the user.' example: social_type: type: integer description: 'The login type of the user (Google = 1).' example: 1 social_id: type: string description: 'The social id of the user provided by the 3rd party provider.' example: '111806022046983237516' social_token_id: type: string description: 'The social id of the user.' example: eyRhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ijg1ODI4YzU5Jjg0YTY5YjU0YjI3NDgzZTQ4N2MzYmQ0NmNkMmEyYjMiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifB token: type: string description: 'To restrict unauthorized registration.' example: 7hKxKlz5sKHlqXFkkCfsKpj9iVPoaSlM18Uv5JuehYXQfTme33XtxGmNQ1yE required: - email - social_type - social_id - social_token_id - token security: [] /api/v1/auth/login: post: summary: Login. description: 'This endpoint allows common login into the system.' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'User Authentication' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: email: type: string description: 'The email-id of the user.' example: password: type: string description: 'The password of the user.' example: xxxxxx required: - email - password security: [] /api/v1/auth/login/social: post: summary: 'Social Login.' description: 'This endpoint lets you login into the system using a 3rd party provider.' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'User Authentication' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: social_type: type: integer description: 'The login type of the user (Google = 1).' example: 1 code: type: string description: 'auth code of the user.' example: '111806022046983237516' required: - social_type - code security: [] /api/v1/auth/forgot-password: post: summary: 'Forgot password.' description: 'This endpoint lets user to get token to change password.' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'User Authentication' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: email: type: string description: 'The email of the user.' example: required: - email security: [] /api/v1/auth/token-validate: post: summary: 'Validate Bearer token.' description: 'This endpoint lets user to validate token, on success returns token object.' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'User Authentication' requestBody: required: false content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: bearer_token: type: string description: required. example: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9... security: [] /api/v1/auth/token-expiration: get: summary: "Get Token Expiration\nThis endpoint allows client to retrieve their user token expiration date." description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'User Authentication' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: email: type: string description: 'The email of the user.' example: required: - email security: [] /api/v1/auth/verify-email: post: summary: 'Verify email.' description: 'This endpoint lets the user verify their email and login with token and password.' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'User Authentication' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: email: type: string description: 'The email of the user.' example: password: type: string description: 'The password of the user.' example: '$m@4T34L@un(}{' token: type: string description: 'To restrict unauthorized registration.' example: '123456' required: - email - password - token security: [] /api/v1/auth/verify-email-resend: post: summary: 'Resend the email verification notification.' description: 'This endpoint lets user to resend email verification notification.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'User Authentication' /api/v1/auth/reset-password: post: summary: 'Reset password.' description: 'This endpoint lets the user reset their password.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'User Authentication' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: email: type: string description: 'The email of the user.' example: password: type: string description: 'The password of the user.' example: '$m@4T34L@un(}{' confirm_password: type: string description: 'The same password for confirmation.' example: '$m@4T34L@un(}{' token: type: string description: 'To restrict unauthorized registration.' example: 7hKxKlz5sKHlqXFkkCfsKpj9iVPoaSlM18Uv5JuehYXQfTme33XtxGmNQ1yE required: - email - password - confirm_password - token /api/v1/auth/user-invite: get: summary: 'Get invited user by token' description: '' parameters: - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'User Authentication' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: token: type: string description: 'The token provided for the invited user.' example: BMj4tHdI9jeRidv8O6emwqwepk34sl2tYrm1gakhDhqgOxdi7JO4BEkJG4yh required: - token security: [] /api/v1/auth/logout: post: summary: Logout. description: "let's user to logout." parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'User Authentication' /api/v1/device-info/store: post: summary: 'User Device Management.' description: 'This endpoint lets user to add device information.' parameters: - in: header name: Authorization description: '' example: 'Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY}' schema: type: string - in: header name: Content-Type description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string - in: header name: Accept description: '' example: application/json schema: type: string responses: { } tags: - 'User Authentication' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: pushtoken: type: string description: 'The push-token.' example: xxxxx device_name: type: string description: 'The device name of the device.' example: 'iPhone 12' device_id: type: string description: 'The device id of the device.' example: skdlfsk-sfs-dsfsdf-sdfs app_version: type: string description: 'The app version of the device.' example: v1 os_version: type: string description: 'The os version of the device.' example: 'iOS 14.1' time_zone: type: string description: 'The time zone of the user.' example: NZ platform: type: string description: 'The platform of the device.' example: Apple required: - pushtoken - device_name - device_id - app_version - os_version - time_zone - platform tags: - name: 'App Data' description: "\nAPI for app data such as: countries, states, roles, statuses, etc." - name: Automation description: "\nAPI for Automation" - name: Category description: "\nAPI for Category" - name: Company description: "\nAPI for company details" - name: 'Company Field Group' description: "\nAPI for Company field group details" - name: 'Company File' description: "\nAPI for Company File" - name: 'Company Integration' description: "\nAPI for Company Integration" - name: 'Company Location' description: "\nAPI for company locations" - name: 'Company Location Custom Settings' description: "\nAPI for company location custom settings" - name: 'Company Product' description: "\nAPI for company product details" - name: 'Company Symbol' description: "\nAPI for company symbol details" - name: 'Company Tax' description: "\nAPI for Company Tax" - name: 'Company Users' description: "\nAPI for company details" - name: Country description: "\nAPI for country details" - name: Customer description: "\nAPI for customers" - name: 'Customer Address' description: "\nAPI for customer address" - name: 'Customer Contacts' description: "\nAPI for customer contacts" - name: 'Decline Reason' description: "\nAPI for Decline Reason" - name: 'Description Set' description: "\nAPI for Description Set" - name: Form description: "\nAPI for Form" - name: 'Form Field' description: "\nAPI for Form field" - name: Heartbeat description: "\nAPI for Heartbeat" - name: Home description: '' - name: ImportSet description: "\nAPI for ImportSet" - name: 'Import Type' description: "\nAPI for Import Type" - name: 'Media Item' description: "\nAPI for Media Item" - name: 'Media Source' description: "\nAPI for Media Source" - name: 'Media Tag' description: "\nAPI for Media Tag" - name: 'Other Endpoints' description: '' - name: Permission description: "\nAPI for permission details" - name: 'Pest Treated' description: '' - name: 'Property Locations' description: "\nAPI for Property Locations" - name: Proposal description: "\nAPI for Proposal" - name: 'Proposal Templates' description: '' - name: 'Referral Source' description: "\nAPI for Referral Source" - name: Report description: "\nAPI for report related data" - name: Review description: "\nAPI for Review" - name: Role description: "\nAPI for role details" - name: Schedule description: "\nAPI for Schedule" - name: 'Service Agreement' description: "\nAPI for service agreement details" - name: 'Service Plan' description: "\nAPI for Service Plans" - name: 'Service Plan Custom Field' description: "\nAPI for Service Plan Custom Field" - name: 'Service Plan Pricing Group' description: "\nAPI for Service Plan Pricing Group" - name: Solution description: "\nAPI for Solution" - name: 'Solution Category' description: "\nAPI for Solution Category" - name: 'Solution Feedback' description: "\nAPI for Solution Feedback" - name: State description: "\nAPI for state details" - name: 'Support Request' description: "\nAPI for Support Request" - name: Tag description: "\nAPI for Tag" - name: User description: "\nAPI for user details" - name: 'User Authentication' description: "\nAPI for user authentication" components: securitySchemes: default: type: http scheme: bearer description: '' security: - default: []